Two or three levels later, and we have a forest, desert, and dead forest map with three lakes forming some decent walls around my base. A long winded bit of exploring, some murdered worms, and some crashed ship pilfering, and I had enough stuff to level a few biter bases, as well as build a nice laser defense. Not that it really mattered though, with the three closer, smaller bases gone, the huge group to the north just didn't give a ****. Eventually I got to this point:
Each ore field, (coal, copper, iron), has at least one splitter at its output to make sure its distribution was even. Pulling out all three of them brought the facility down. 8 pumps, 112 boilers, and 80 steam engines eventually ground themselves to a screeching halt. Getting the base back up and running on its own at this point requires disconnecting everything but the solar array, coal mine, and steam engines. And only then could start back up during the day. I'll have pictures of the new research facility once its finished.
I think I bought the game Thursday night or Friday sometime. Don't remember how long it took me to burn through the 'tutorial' campaign, or the previous levels. I do know that by the point of my fourth picture, I had spent somewhere between 5-10 hours on this map.
By the way, there's still room within the old facility for a few more assemblers, though I don't know what I'd have them make. And even going full tilt, the gear production for the Tier 1 research was able to supply the entire facility you see here. I mean seriously, I kept adding **** all over the place and I just couldn't run out of resources!
So just how well do you all think I grasp the concepts of Factorio? Common comment! Give me your craziest grading scales!