CDR's Learning Cascade (First shenanigans in Factorio.)

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CDR's Learning Cascade (First shenanigans in Factorio.)

Post by CreeperDaReeper »

Let's start off with the second campaign's Train Level. First thing I did, cannibalized everything, and I do mean everything. The main base, the solar sub station, the copper mine and the iron mine. There wasn't a constructable building left standing. Using all the materials and structures gathered this way, I built a reasonably defensible base. Eventually I ran out of Copper and Iron burning through any Tier 1 and Tier 2 research. By then the game wanted me to amass materials in my jeep, (still had the original by means of extreme stubbornness), and so I set out for the iron mine since I still had an abundance of copper plates. Which brings us to my first picture:
Glorious isn't it? Enjoy it while it lasts though. Second picture:
Burn Baby Burn
3 rows of 20 Stone Furnaces each. Didn't bother trying to tote the coal I needed to smelt it. Just annexed the nearby coal field into my fuel supply. The copper field to the east went next.

Two or three levels later, and we have a forest, desert, and dead forest map with three lakes forming some decent walls around my base. A long winded bit of exploring, some murdered worms, and some crashed ship pilfering, and I had enough stuff to level a few biter bases, as well as build a nice laser defense. Not that it really mattered though, with the three closer, smaller bases gone, the huge group to the north just didn't give a ****. Eventually I got to this point:
Ore Fields, Laboratories, Smelters, Red Science, Gears, Green Science, Green Circuits, Yellow Inserters, Yellow Conveyors, Copper Wire, in that order.
Shortly before this point I started working on a larger facility solely focused on research. After the picture I realized my error and switched the Red Inserter assembler to Blue Inserters, and then added a Tier 2 Assembler assembly chain:
Full Stop
You would not believe how annoying it was to get a closed mini loop going for the T1 & T2 Assemblers so they could share resources. It was madness!
Each ore field, (coal, copper, iron), has at least one splitter at its output to make sure its distribution was even. Pulling out all three of them brought the facility down. 8 pumps, 112 boilers, and 80 steam engines eventually ground themselves to a screeching halt. Getting the base back up and running on its own at this point requires disconnecting everything but the solar array, coal mine, and steam engines. And only then could start back up during the day. I'll have pictures of the new research facility once its finished.

I think I bought the game Thursday night or Friday sometime. Don't remember how long it took me to burn through the 'tutorial' campaign, or the previous levels. I do know that by the point of my fourth picture, I had spent somewhere between 5-10 hours on this map.

By the way, there's still room within the old facility for a few more assemblers, though I don't know what I'd have them make. And even going full tilt, the gear production for the Tier 1 research was able to supply the entire facility you see here. I mean seriously, I kept adding **** all over the place and I just couldn't run out of resources!

So just how well do you all think I grasp the concepts of Factorio? Common comment! Give me your craziest grading scales!
Last edited by CreeperDaReeper on Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: CDR's Learning Cascade (First shenanigans in Factorio.)

Post by CreeperDaReeper »

I've finished my new facility and the old one is no more. Before I actually get to the facility itself, I'd like to show you around a bit first.

Going right to left across the map, first we have:
The Annoying Hive
I cleared out two bases to the north of my original starting point and one to the east. Imagine my surprise when a new one pops up in the east later!

Now that was the northern of the two blockades I have set up to keep the hive contained, the following is the southern blockade:
Giant Square
Yeah I know, not much too look at. Not to mention they could just tunnel straight through it if I don't pay attention. Thus far none of the biters have ever tried taking that path, weird.

Oil Field
5 Pumpjacks, 50 Storage Tanks. I built them all in one go as soon as I could make the pumpjacks, and have left them to themselves since before I ran out of Tier 2 science to research.

1 Pump, 14 Boilers, 10 Steam Engines, times 8.
I actually looked that ratio up like 3 different times before I finally remembered it on my own. This thing is a pain to start by hand.

Coal Mine
And here we have the Coal Mine just to the left of the Steam Engine array. I have like 4 stages to mine growth, 1st - Max yield with few miners, 2nd - Full coverage of field with least miners, 3rd - Pave field over in miners but don't go overboard, 4th - Find the layout that allows the most possible miners for the given field, even if one of the miners only mine one square of ore.

Iron Mine And Steel Production
Now that I think about it, I never did make any more smelters than what I started the level with.

Solar Array
I just had fun with this one.

Copper Mine
Speaking of which, I think a few squares in each of the fields glitched, and now show growing negative numbers. They also don't seem to want to disappear either, awesome.

Now, that's every piece of my base save for the water pumps, (which you can see in the 3rd & 4th pictures in the first post), and my new science facility. So, without further ado ...
The only two things this monstrosity is missing, is a plastics line, and a battery line. Which will be the very next things I build. And once they're built, it will be time to bring the entire facility online. That giant Boiler & Steam Engine setup I showed you? Now you know what its purpose was.

And now I'm off to bed. I'll bring Leviathan online in the morning. TTFN!
Last edited by CreeperDaReeper on Thu May 29, 2014 7:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: CDR's Learning Cascade (First shenanigans in Factorio.)

Post by GewaltSam »

Well, if you really just started playing a short time before, I have to say you grasped a lot of the concepts nicely. Clean setups and lots of production all over the place, can't say my factories where as effective as yours at the beginning :)

Have you tried freeplay so far? You should.
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Re: CDR's Learning Cascade (First shenanigans in Factorio.)

Post by MtNak »

Oh... You will have fun with freeplay 8-)
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Re: CDR's Learning Cascade (First shenanigans in Factorio.)

Post by Lee_newsum »

my new science facility
10 lab's
6 Assembling machines for red, green and blue and one or 2 for Alien
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Re: CDR's Learning Cascade (First shenanigans in Factorio.)

Post by CreeperDaReeper »

Lee_newsum wrote:
my new science facility
10 lab's
6 Assembling machines for red, green and blue and one or 2 for Alien
<_< >_> Overkill you say? Checks personal dictionary. Ah! Here we go. This is not overkill my friend. Overkill is what I do in games that involve killing. No. What this is called, is Overbuilding. My Modus Operandi if you will. Thank you very much.

That aside. I really hate waiting forever for research to get done. Thus, 40 Science Labs, 20 on each side.
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Re: CDR's Learning Cascade (First shenanigans in Factorio.)

Post by CreeperDaReeper »

There's another reason I overbuild as a standard practice. If I don't, my creations turn out like this:

I restarted the map for various reasons. This was my attempt at a small research base before I rebuilt leviathan.
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Re: CDR's Learning Cascade (First shenanigans in Factorio.)

Post by CreeperDaReeper »

What do you call it when you build a factory, to build another factory?
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Re: CDR's Learning Cascade (First shenanigans in Factorio.)


CreeperDaReeper wrote:What do you call it when you build a factory, to build another factory?
an upgrade you silly :)
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Re: CDR's Learning Cascade (First shenanigans in Factorio.)

Post by CreeperDaReeper »

CreeperDaReeper wrote:What do you call it when you build a factory, to build another factory?
An upgrade you silly :)
An upgrade would be replacing a chest, conveyor, inserter, drill, furnace, assembler, etc with a better version of itself. >:)

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