Inventory management using a Mission Chest

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Long Handed Inserter
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Inventory management using a Mission Chest

Post by Miravlix »

Alien hunting, Creating an outpost, extending rail networks or one of the many other things we have to do to run our factorio all creates demands on the items we need to carry to complete the job and with just the base game I find inventory management taking up quite a bit of time.

You could create a bot network, keep a storage/active provider chest to unload into and a number of requester chest with the "job" items, unfortunately the bot network will fill the chest you empty quickly and create a lot of surplus items, messing up the logistic networks list of items as everything keeps getting re-sorted based on how many of them there is.

The solution for me has been to have everything creating items output based on the number of items in the logistic network, for most items that is around 1-10 output to a passive provider chest, using requester chests to pull items in larger quantities, my solar farm blueprint contains a chest to request enough items to create the next one (I convert it to a storage chest just before doing the next farm element). My work train request walls, concrete, rails and all the other stuff for train/outpost handling.

This all work fairly well, as long as it doesn't involve our personal inventory, if I put things in there, the logistic network can't see the items and will immediately try to fill the void. When I come back from the "job", I might end up with double the items in storage

Leading to this contraption:


Not very photogenic, but circuit network stuff seldom is as most details is hidden in hard to see wiring and click popups, but what it does is add to items in the central chest until there is 100 of each. When you go and ctrl-click the central chest to pickup your mission items, it will wait until you get back and drop the leftover items into the chest, before it again fills it up.

This is just the proof of concept. A much better layout and higher number of items could be accomplished with a bit more work.


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Re: Inventory management using a Mission Chest

Post by Qon »

Miravlix wrote: Image
Fixed it for you.
My mods: Capsule Ammo | HandyHands - Automatic handcrafting | ChunkyChunks - Configurable Gridlines
Some other creations: Combinassembly Language GitHub w instructions and link to run it in your browser | 0~drain Laser
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