if you're hoping for amazing combinator stuff, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I've been puttering very slowly through this game since 0.12 came out, tho I keep getting distracted playing with ideas in my cheaty test world or making mods, and even when I've been playing, I've been plodding along with a staggering lack of efficiency.
I made a deliberate decision starting this game to go for a distributed base, with lots of separate, specialized outposts, rather than one massive megafacility with my only remote outposts being short-lived mining operations. I also decided to try and cram most of my rail traffic into a sparse main backbone of tracks, with outposts build off from there, as an experiment to find out just how much rail traffic one pair of tracks with proper signaling can handle. It's cause my already lethargic play speed to slow down to a crawl, what with all the traveling, but it's been fun, and I'll get to the top of the tech tree eventually!
The known world so far:

A keen observer will notice the lack of polution around several outposts; almost everybody is backstuffed at the moment. Here's everything except the two southern-most mines zoomed in a bit, so the train stop labels show up...

(pics from here on will be in spoilers)
The top-left-most outpost is oil processing; barreled oil is hauled in by train, along with coal and iron, and made into plastic, sulfuric acid, lubricant, and solid fuel. Here's that outpost closer-in: