Sorry for harsh truth, but I think you should completely destroy your CPU and start building it from the very beginning.Black Ice wrote:This is my first attempt at a computer in factorio. It's 256, 5 by 7 displays arranged in a 16 by 16 grid and it can type, by placing copper plates in the "keyboard", do very basic maths and algebra and has some basic memory. Was hoping to put in a game next (chess??) and any advice would be appreciated.
Fortunately, Factorio is not Minecraft, and you really don't need to put thousands kilometers of wires/redstones to build something with combinators. Here we have a lot more possibilities, but not all of them are obvious. Instead of building something huge you can try to create something smart, this will be much more interesting and you will recieve a good experience.
I admire your persistence and patience, but you've chosen the wrong path. The best what you can do is to go back and try again.