Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

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Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

Post by nevjmac »

Hey Factorio community!

I recently completed a self-imposed challenge project to build a self-contained microbase that produces 10 science packs per minute (SPM). I started this project 6 months ago but with Space Age fast approaching I wanted to finish this before changes came into effect. I wanted to share the challenges I faced, the unique designs I created, and share some of the lessons I learned along the way.

Final Design
Buildings used

Base Layout and Design
I designed everything myself without relying on blueprints, as this is a micro base there aren't exactly ready to use designs for this sort of thing. The goal was to make the base as compact as possible, and it currently occupies a 58x42 grid with only 119 blank spaces. I went through three design iterations to arrive at my final design:

First Iteration: Incorrect calculations led to overproduction with too many beacons and machines.
Second Iteration: I wasn't satisfied with the design and calculations were still wrong, prompting a restart.
Third Iteration: This final design is the most compact and efficient.

First Design - Much larger and completely wrong calculations on required beacons and buildings. Decided to start over again
Second Design - This time more compact, but I wasn't happy with the design and my calculations were still not correct

Links to videos of factory in operation:

Production and Automation

Transporting resources efficiently and using direct insertion where possible was crucial. Belt footprint was a concern, so minimizing their use with direct insertion was a priority where possible. Balancing resources in such a small base was challenging, especially with green circuits, but I finally achieved a balanced setup which has held a 10spm over a 50hour playtime.


Resource Management

Producing resources quickly and in minimal space was key. I decided on centralized mining and smelting to a single area, sending shared belts of materials around the base to save space. I believe this approach is more space-efficient than setting up multiple small mining and smelting areas.
Having ponds of water was going to take up space so landfilling and converting the water pumps to water wells was an "Ah-ha" moment.

Power Management

Solar setups and steam furnaces took up too much space, so I opted for a nuclear setup which is something I had never designed before. Designing a micro uranium processing plant was a new and fun challenge.
Balanced oil production was another issue. I maintained a level of light oil, converting it to petroleum only when there is excess, while solid and rocket fuel consumed the rest.

Notable Designs

I'm particularly proud of my compact Kovarex enrichment and uranium setups. These designs are really compact and took a considerable amount of time to design and optimise.

Uranium processing
Balanced oil set up

Lessons Learned

Through this project, I learned many tricks and techniques for designing a compact and efficient base. I have never used so many inserters reaching over top of each and weaved as many belts through such a tight space as I usually undertake aesthetic designs with straight lines coming off and suppling a main bus.

I would not be surprised if this base could be made even smaller and more efficient, and I’d love to hear any suggestions for improvements to potentially cut down on the size.


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Last edited by nevjmac on Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

Post by aka13 »

This is very cool. Reminds me of the magical creation of DaveMCW,, but without the recursive blueprint stuff.
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Re: Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

Post by nevjmac »

aka13 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:49 am This is very cool. Reminds me of the magical creation of DaveMCW,, but without the recursive blueprint stuff.
Yea! was inspired by the likes of this and other projects people have undertaken.
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Re: Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

Post by mmmPI »

nevjmac wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:26 am I usually undertake aesthetic designs with straight lines coming off and suppling a main bus.
I find this one is aesthetic too ! I really like the belt weawing and the general look of the factory, you can spend time looking at it following belts and trying to think for yourself "what if this was moved here ? or there ? wouldn't it be more compact ". It has some "where's waldo ?" feeling of a picture you can watch to me.
nevjmac wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:26 am I’d love to hear any suggestions for improvements to potentially cut down on the size.
There's this particular micro-factory that is also from DaveMcW, it's not using recursive blueprint, is smaller but only produces 3 SPM, not 10 as yours :
It's using sushi belts to reduce the footprint of the logistic vs production part. Have you considered it ? maybe it doesn't make sense for the throughput required.

I'm not sure it would be considered an improvement, but you can probably use some of those remaining 119 tiles to place a accumulator a speaker a power switch and lamps, to have a control pannel to turn it on off and have a light showing the color, and a little beep when a rocket is launched of when the ore are depleted or something with circuits, maybe something to save a little fuel on the nuclear setup ? Not that it is necessary, but it would justify filling the empty tiles :)
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Re: Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

Post by Shadow_Man »

Hey, where are the Blueprint string? :geek:
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Re: Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

Post by brunzenstein »

Please explain how the nuclear set up works.
Would you be so kind to share a save file from your set up?
Thanks for your kind consideration
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Re: Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

Post by nevjmac »

Shadow_Man wrote: Thu Aug 01, 2024 7:20 pm Hey, where are the Blueprint string? :geek:
My apologies! I'll add it to the main post
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Re: Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

Post by nevjmac »

brunzenstein wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:09 pm Please explain how the nuclear set up works.
Would you be so kind to share a save file from your set up?
Thanks for your kind consideration
There was a lot of trial and error.
I found that the important factors were the orientation of the buildings to ensure that nothing backs up cause a lock as well as the correct rotation of the belt.
For instance, you can't swap the position of the top two buildings and have this still work.
But it takes in raw ore in the top left and the kovarex enrichment is primed its underway.
This would not work as a self starting set up as you would get too much uranium 238 and not enough 235
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Re: Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

Post by nevjmac »

mmmPI wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:17 am I find this one is aesthetic too ! I really like the belt weawing and the general look of the factory, you can spend time looking at it following belts and trying to think for yourself "what if this was moved here ? or there ? wouldn't it be more compact ". It has some "where's waldo ?" feeling of a picture you can watch to me.
Haha yes, its aesthetic in its own way! It definitely taught me things that I wouldn't have otherwise learnt. Which may help come to space platforms in space age!
mmmPI wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2024 9:17 am There's this particular micro-factory that is also from DaveMcW, it's not using recursive blueprint, is smaller but only produces 3 SPM, not 10 as yours :
It's using sushi belts to reduce the footprint of the logistic vs production part. Have you considered it ? maybe it doesn't make sense for the throughput required.

I'm not sure it would be considered an improvement, but you can probably use some of those remaining 119 tiles to place a accumulator a speaker a power switch and lamps, to have a control pannel to turn it on off and have a light showing the color, and a little beep when a rocket is launched of when the ore are depleted or something with circuits, maybe something to save a little fuel on the nuclear setup ? Not that it is necessary, but it would justify filling the empty tiles :)
Someone else on the reddit post I made brought up sushi belt. I have dabbled in sushi belts before with one of my other map projects, however I'm not sure where to start to best set it up and the layout. The sushi itself would take up a fair amount of room and would have to buffer more materials on the belts to ensure there was enough supply most likely. I have started to play around with layouts but haven't come up with anything that saves space yet before being even able to test it.
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Re: Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

Post by mmmPI »

nevjmac wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:21 am Someone else on the reddit post I made brought up sushi belt. I have dabbled in sushi belts before with one of my other map projects, however I'm not sure where to start to best set it up and the layout. The sushi itself would take up a fair amount of room and would have to buffer more materials on the belts to ensure there was enough supply most likely. I have started to play around with layouts but haven't come up with anything that saves space yet before being even able to test it.
I think the most famous sushi belts are for labs, because it could allow 1 belts of inputs regardless of the 3 4 5 6 7 different science packs. ( more than 1 per side). But here is only a single lab i can see, this in interesting :D

Instead i think maybe "steel" is never going to be produced fast enough to fill in even half a belt completly for only 10 SPM, so are "blue and red" circuits. So all those 3 may fit on the same half belt or on some sort of "intermediate looping sushi belt". And the other thing be placed around. That would end up looking like the other micro-factory.

Again this made me think about moving a thing here and there and it never stops. But it's very unlikely i could propose a good improvement just by looking at it from the forum and quite unlikely even after toying with the blueprint :D I guess it's more of an idea for future designs, it's one of the cases where i thought it could be used for its compactness and not just for the sake of over-engineering things :)
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Re: Base Creation - My 10 SPM Micro Base in Factorio – Challenges and Designs

Post by brunzenstein »

If you would kindly provide a save file we could enjoy the setting running :D
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