"It ain't pretty but it works" builds?

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Joined: Fri May 08, 2020 2:12 pm

"It ain't pretty but it works" builds?

Post by GlassOSiris »

So I've been playing this game for years but have only just now decided to post on the forum, this is my first post actually!

What are some builds that are just atrocities but get the job done? I feel like there are two different types of bases, the MEGABASES with automated defences and SELF BUILDING TRAINS and... well mine work I guess.

Despite playing this game for years, I've not ever gotten good on it. Maybe because I haven't been going on this forum, haha! So my new worlds always, always, ALWAYS look something along these lines. Am I alone or is this something we all do at the beginning? If you have any tips to help me then by all means refer me to some posts on here but I'm dying to know some examples of other players like myself!

Stay safe everyone!

EDIT: Didn't know the grid was on, I put it on ages ago and totally forgot to turn it off! Fixed now!
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