[0.16] / [0.18] My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

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[0.16] / [0.18] My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

Post by FasterJump »

Edit: This post contains blueprints for version [0.16]. To see updated blueprints for [0.18], just scroll to my most recent post.

I just reached my goal in factorio: building a base that can produce more than 1000 of each science pack per minute.
That was much longer to achieve than expected (200 hours on the 0.16 map) but that was fun to put in application everything I learned before.
I used Factorio Planner to know how much items are needed at each stage of the production, and use something close to this.
You can see more screenshots of the base on my imgur album. I'll add blueprints of the most efficient setups I made.
screenshot_low.png (1.08 MiB) Viewed 24731 times
Few details about my base
Map Overview:
map2.png (381.28 KiB) Viewed 24731 times
Setups and Blueprints
Mods and script commands used for tests
(28.66 MiB) Downloaded 743 times
Last edited by FasterJump on Sat Feb 01, 2020 3:44 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

Post by eradicator »

*looks at green circuits*. Oh noez, you're not using perfect 8x8 beacons everywhere! Blasphemy! Call the witchhunters!...

No, seriously: Congratulations on reaching your goal. Mine always dies when the feature creep attacks. Also if you can upload a savegame, it's always nice to actually walk around in other peoples well planned factories. Also those sunflowers are cute. I demand pictures of the sunflowers.
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Re: My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

Post by FasterJump »

Thanks for your feedback!

Here is the screenshot of the sunflowers:
The ratio is 96 solar panels for 104 accumulators. It's not a problem for me since accus are much cheaper than solar, and useful for energy buffering from all sources.

About green circuits, I had 2 goals when I designed it:
-have fully compressed blue belts outputs
-use minimum energy
Here: copper wire assemblers have +215% crafting speed and circuits assemblers have +190% crafting speed. More speed beacons would be wasted because the belts are already compressed.
Also it's nice to see that assemblers are active 98.5% of the time (can be verified by maths 4*1.25*2.9*2*1.4=40.6 ; 22.05/21.75 and checked ingame)
For 2 blue belts output, the setup consume 40.1 MW (=>500kJ/circuit) ; for 20 belts outputs, the setup consume 348 MW (=>435kJ/circuit).
I'm pretty proud of this setup :P

I'll upload the save in the main post!
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Re: My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

Post by Ace_W »

Stuff goes in, science comes out.

I like it! Very big congrats on reaching you goal!

How many bootstrap bases did you go through?
"No! This one goes there! That one goes There! Right?!"
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Re: My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

Post by FasterJump »

I built 1 bootstrap base for early science, then I tried to build stuff directly at their final location. I don't recommend it though.

I think I should have built a good bootstrap base at another location, so I could have kept it while building the 1rpm one. It would have be big enough to research nuclear power and produce stuff lile modules, assemblers, beacons, belts...

I ended up with a total of 70k blue belts and 12.5k T3 modules produced.
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Re: My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

Post by MisterSpock »

This is great. Especially because im building 600 Science per min Facility atm.
Also no mods, only belts.

Most ressources dont go main bus. They go directly into chips/gears/steel. Others go main bus.

Im alos using Factorio Planner: (u can save your settings in the url link by copy it)
https://doomeer.com/factorio/index.html ... rrrrrrrrrr
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Re: My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

Post by herkalurk »

I downloaded and have been wandering around the base and looking at everything, the only negative is your train setup in relation to coal. The coal train has to pass by all of the copper and iron drops, and it gets stuck on those trains waiting for an unloading position. If the base isn't actively using iron and copper, then coal will run out because the train can't make it to unload.
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Re: My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

Post by FasterJump »

Thanks for your feedback!

I agree that the train system is not optimal. It works for 1000 spm but it probably wouldn't for 1500+ spm. I could have made a better separation between iron and copper areas, and used either a 4way network or another parallel 2way line, so special trains like rocket fuel, uranium, player train would works fine even when the factory is not producing science.

Otherwise I'm quite satisfied with the belt part on the loading and unloading stations. And the system that close or open stations depending on the demand with an intermediate "buffer" stop, it was very interesting to build.
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Re: My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

Post by FasterJump »

Since 0.17 is coming this week, this is the final goodbye to my 0.16 megabase. I hope that my designs gave inspiration to some of you, see you in 0.17!
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Re: [0.16] My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

Post by Hottemax »

Thanks for sharing, very satisfying to take a tour in this neat base!
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Re: [0.16] My 1000 science per minute casual "megabase"

Post by FasterJump »

Hi there, with the speed change of belts in [0.17+], blue belts move 45 items/sec now instead of 40 in [0.16]. This improved throughput creates the new challenge of supplying fully compressed belts of items.

To creates new blueprints, I used a custom set of rules and objectives:
• Production of fully compressed Belts (blue for most setups)
• Full usage of Productivity III modules in assembler/smelter/...
• Bot-free
• Circuit-free
• Chest-free: no chest-based buffer (including cars/tank, wagon, bare ground)

And as much as possible:
• Tileable
• High power efficiency, which implies:
-Usage of 4x4 assembler/beacon setups as much as possible)
-Assembler are active 95%+ of the time
• Aesthetic (symmetry, lights, power poles placement...)
• No orphan underground belt/pipe
• Walkable

Note: For some designs I use underground belt magic, insertion in spliters/underground belt, belt braiding

There are [0.18] blueprints already updated:
Green Circuits
Red Circuits
Blue Circuits
Plates Smelting
Steel Smelting
To see what the blueprints looks like, just open the link below and press ctrl-V to paste the blueprint
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