Modular factory

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Modular factory

Post by HeilTec »

I vas on the IRC

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[15:09] <[twisti]>
[15:11] <HeilTec> Nice!
[15:42] <[twisti]> any ideas how i could reduce the footprint of my factoryblocks by one ? it seems like a lot of space is wasted near the tip
[15:42] <[twisti]> top
[15:46] <HeilTec> I was looking at that top and the bottom, but is seems not to fit however you try.
[15:47] <HeilTec> Two units though might be integrated to share requestors if mirrored.
I then had a nice "walk in the park" and went straight to making this in the editor.
heiltec answer
Still remains to be tested.
Google is my friend. Searching the forum and the wiki is always a first.
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