More about trains
More about trains
Well, I guess the signals did exactly what they were told to do... too bad that wasn't what I actually wanted them to do...
Re: More about trains
that's exactly why we need pre-signals. come on, devs. don't wait with this until after the multiplayer!
Re: More about trains
Looks like you need to train in using trains
I recommend OpenTTD
I recommend OpenTTD
Re: More about trains
+1. Although I think this is more of a Path signal ( wrote:that's exactly why we need pre-signals. come on, devs. don't wait with this until after the multiplayer!
There are simple cases that are impossible to implement with only the Block signal, no matter how hard you try. I have never played OpenTTD, but judging from the wiki they added more signal types exactly because the Block signal wasn't enough.torham wrote:Looks like you need to train in using trains
I recommend OpenTTD
As to the original poster - your situation may be solved, but it is impossible to say without seeing the whole layout. In general, though, if you have a section where trains can go in both directions this entire section should probable be a single block.
Re: More about trains
Yes, it was a simple solution, I moved the upper line signals back along the track to make sure there was enough room for the entire train to be on the upper line, to not block cross traffic. I then added a second 'holding' rail in the middle of the long distance upper line so opposite direction trains can blow by each other. Since all trains are 3 storage cars long(iron, copper, stone), it is easy to plan lengths appropriately.
This post was more about how trains will do exactly what they are told, so be sure to tell them to do what you want, and test, lots and lots of tests.
As for OpenTTD, I took a look at it a while back and it just didnt pop out to me as something to keep playing.
This post was more about how trains will do exactly what they are told, so be sure to tell them to do what you want, and test, lots and lots of tests.
As for OpenTTD, I took a look at it a while back and it just didnt pop out to me as something to keep playing.
Re: More about trains
<3 OpenTTD
"To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, it's half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice the size it needs to be"
Re: More about trains
And this is why i like to use two one way lines
Effectivity FTW
Effectivity FTW
Noticed the told change in FFF #111 so il continue to use my signature ^_^Thanks for listening to our suggestions, devs !
I would jump of joy if we could specify which tiles spawned in a surfaces