Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

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Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

This is my second attempt at building the biggest factory, my computer can handle.
I'm running Factorio in version - 0.14.22

The list of mods, I'm using:
1. Advanced Logistics System
2. Black Market
3. Crafting Speed Research
4. Dark Matter Replicators
5. EvoGUI
6. Expanded Robot Technology
7. Fusion Robots
8. Launch Control
9. Long Reach
10. Useful Space Industry
11. Water Well

Map settings:

Game start at 2017-04-15 21:57 (0 hours of playing):
Map with starting position:

My starting inventory:

Let's get to work :D
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

2017-04-16 02:22 (3 hours of playing):

This is my factory for now, it's a mess, but i'm trying to do some necessary research before I expand:
Right now the goals are:
- Start replicating solid fuel, cause coal is inefficient (For 1MW of generated power, 250kW goes for coal replication). Coal has 75% efficiency and solid fuel has 87.5% efficiency.
- Clear all the water in starting area
- Make first big power plant
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by pieppiep »

Ractaros96 wrote:- Start replicating solid fuel, cause coal is inefficient (For 1MW of generated power, 250kW goes for coal replication). Coal has 75% efficiency and solid fuel has 87.5% efficiency.
How did you get those numbers?

I see a simple replicator can make coal. Recipe time is 2.5 seconds and crafting speed is 1 so the energy needed is 2.5*400 = 1000kJ
Coal gives 8000kJ so efficiency is (8000-1000)/8000*100 = 87.5%

Solid fuel is made in a chemical replicator, crafting speed 4 and energy 2500kW. Recipe time is 2.5 seconds. Energy needed is 2.5/4*2500 = 1562.5kJ
Efficiency is (25000-1562.5)/25000*100 = 93.75%

Making solid fuel yourself,
5x crude oil, 10.5 sec in simple replicator is 10.5*400 = 4200kJ.
5/10 part of advanced oil processing (crafting speed 1), 5/10*5*420 = 1050kJ to make 0.5 heavy oil + 2.25 light oil + 2.75 petroleum gas.
0.5/4 part of heavy to light cracking (crafting speed 1.25), 0.5/4*5/1.25*210 = 105kJ to make 0.375 light oil.
2.25+0.375 = 2.625 part of light to solid fuel (crafting speed 1.25), 2.625*3/1.25*210 = 1323kJ
2.75/2 part of petroleum to solid fuel (crafting speed 1.25), 2.75/2*3/1.25*210 = 693kJ for 1.375 solid fuel.

Total 4200+1050+105+1323+693 = 7371kJ for 2.625+1.375 = 4 solid fuel = 4*25MJ = 100MJ
Efficiency = (100000-7371)/100000*100 = 92.629%
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

pieppiep wrote:
Ractaros96 wrote:- Start replicating solid fuel, cause coal is inefficient (For 1MW of generated power, 250kW goes for coal replication). Coal has 75% efficiency and solid fuel has 87.5% efficiency.
How did you get those numbers?

I see a simple replicator can make coal. Recipe time is 2.5 seconds and crafting speed is 1 so the energy needed is 2.5*400 = 1000kJ
Coal gives 8000kJ so efficiency is (8000-1000)/8000*100 = 87.5%

Solid fuel is made in a chemical replicator, crafting speed 4 and energy 2500kW. Recipe time is 2.5 seconds. Energy needed is 2.5/4*2500 = 1562.5kJ
Efficiency is (25000-1562.5)/25000*100 = 93.75%

Making solid fuel yourself,
5x crude oil, 10.5 sec in simple replicator is 10.5*400 = 4200kJ.
5/10 part of advanced oil processing (crafting speed 1), 5/10*5*420 = 1050kJ to make 0.5 heavy oil + 2.25 light oil + 2.75 petroleum gas.
0.5/4 part of heavy to light cracking (crafting speed 1.25), 0.5/4*5/1.25*210 = 105kJ to make 0.375 light oil.
2.25+0.375 = 2.625 part of light to solid fuel (crafting speed 1.25), 2.625*3/1.25*210 = 1323kJ
2.75/2 part of petroleum to solid fuel (crafting speed 1.25), 2.75/2*3/1.25*210 = 693kJ for 1.375 solid fuel.

Total 4200+1050+105+1323+693 = 7371kJ for 2.625+1.375 = 4 solid fuel = 4*25MJ = 100MJ
Efficiency = (100000-7371)/100000*100 = 92.629%
You didn't include 50% boiler efficiency when producing electricity :) To replicate coal you need 1000kJ, but from coal you produce 4000kJ, not 8000kJ, because of boiler's efficiency. That gives 75%.

To replicate soild fuel you need 2.5*2500/4 = 1562.5 kJ and energy from solid fuel is 12500kJ. This is 87.5%.
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by pieppiep »

Ah, that's what I forgot :)

I also started a new game like yours without resources and with a little less mods.
I'm using dark matter replicators, factorissimo2 and launch control.
For the start I didn't add 500 of each tenemut, iron plate and copper plate. I calculated what I would need for the absolute minimum.
1 offshore pump, boiler, steam engine and small electric pole to start electricity.
1 research lab with 50 science pack 1 for tenemut utilization and it's prerequisites automation and electronics.
1 replicator research lab with 150 tenemut to research repltech-replication (unknown key) and exotic matter replication: tenemut.
1 simple replicator to start making tenemut for further research.

The starting furnace is enough to smelt the ores, though mining a rock for extra furnaces is nice.
If you don't mine or can't find a rock, first smelt the ores to plates before you make the boiler.
Wood for the power pole is made my cutting the wood.

So the minimum needed to cheat yourself a usable starting inventory is,
/c game.player.insert{name="iron-ore", count=178}; game.player.insert{name="copper-ore", count=96}; game.player.insert{name="tenemut", count=190};

It took me a little over 20 minutes to do those steps.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by pieppiep »

I just realised I do need waterwell mod also because making 5 water in 5.5 seconds for 400kW is just to expensive :)
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

pieppiep wrote:I just realised I do need waterwell mod also because making 5 water in 5.5 seconds for 400kW is just to expensive :)
Yes, I wanted to replicate water too, but then realised how much is needed for power plant. There is a funny thing though. I must be careful not to stop power plants, because, when I'll get rid of all the water - I'll have to build solar panels to jumpstart water wells. I don't have this technology yet, so I would be done, if this happened.
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by pieppiep »

There's a solution for that. Build a self sustaining and self protecting power plant.
I made this
ReplicatorPower.png (860 KiB) Viewed 10477 times
A row with 14 boiler 10 steam engines can give 5100kW, so that's 5100kJ/sec.
With the 50% efficiency from the boiler coal gives 4000kJ so we need 5100/4000 = 1.275 coal/sec.
The simple replicator makes 1 every 2.5 sec so 2.5*1.275 = 3.1875 simple replicators are needed. I made 4 to be safe, but 7 for 2 rows would also work.
Each pump makes 100 water/sec where we only need 60 water/sec under 100% load, that should also be no problem.
The power switch is directly connectable to a water tank, so it can turn off power for the rest of the factory when water is dropping to much.
I made a little sr-latch so that the power gets cut-off at 2000 water and turned back on at 2200 so the factory doesn't turn off and on very fast.
I haven't tested how low the water could go to get into problems, but a low as 200 water in the tank would probably still work good enough.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by pieppiep »

I've already made a small improvement.
I noticed the coal production didn't run well to fill the belt when there's really not enough power most of the time.
I've moved the sr latch a little up and placed a second sr latch to check the belt contents.
New blueprint
I check 9 pieces of belt, that should hold 64 coal when completely full.
It turns off at 32 and back on at 48.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

There is no need for such control mechanism. Once the power plant gets big enough, there will be no way to stop it, unless power satisfaction will be like only 50% or so for replicators to produce not enough solid fuel. That would cause chain reaction. Low power satisfaction -> Low solid fuel replication -> Not enough solid fuel to sustain full power generation -> Low power satisfaction and so on. That would eventually shut down the power plant.
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by pieppiep »

Under 60% power is enough to make the waterwell water production drop under 60 water/sec and make the power drop more.
Normally when I build something big and some big energy consumers kick in, I can have big drops.
Constructing/deconstructing big parts with construction robots can cause problems.

Another, probably easier solution is make one 1:14:10 row to only power the waterwells.
With 4 simple replicators for coal you can power (5100 - 4*400) / 100 = 35 waterwells.

But I'll see what you choose when you post updates.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

2017-04-18 04:23 (8 hours of playing):
The replication lab:

The factory is VERY power hungry, this is my power plant, the nominal power is 91,8 MW:

The goals are:
- To clear all water
- To complete all replication research and start completing regular research with replicated science packs
- To expand the power plant (I wonder how many boilers can be supplied with solid fuel on one yellow belt lane)
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

2017-04-21 05:01 (16 hours of playing):
I have cleared all the water, done some research and expanded the power plant.
The nominal power is 306 MW (600 steam generators):

The current goals are:
- To create power armor mk2, 6 exoskeletons, 2 portable fusion generators, 5 personal roboports and 50 fusion construction robots
- To start using blueprints and deconstruction, manual building is starting to get on my nerves...
- To expand the power plant even further
- To expand research lab
- To complete all research
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

2017-04-29 11:48 (28 hours of playing):

My armor modules:

The expanded power plant. Nominal power - 1009,8 MW:

The final replication and regular labs:

All research completed:

The current goal is only one:
- To build the robots-manned store
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by pieppiep »

I've launched the rocket in my game in a little over 28 hours in game.
My approach was very different, not only because I used factorissimo with it.
I calculated that making an item directly with replicators costs more energy than creating the ingredients, so I had copper/iron/steel smelting and a main bus system.
So my base was a bit bigger, but my total energy a lot lower.
The final rocket was shoot from within a factory building with 4 factory buildings in it, one for each ingredient. Those also had multiple buildings in them, and those also... etc.
My plan was to make it shoot a rocket each minute, but I stopped at the first one because of 0.15.
The creating of the 3 rocket part parts was probably ready for a rocket each 10 minute, the creating of the satellite was very unstructured hacked together because I wanted to play 0.15

Oh, and I had just a small part of all the research done.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

pieppiep wrote:Nice!
I've launched the rocket in my game in a little over 28 hours in game.
My approach was very different, not only because I used factorissimo with it.
I calculated that making an item directly with replicators costs more energy than creating the ingredients, so I had copper/iron/steel smelting and a main bus system.
So my base was a bit bigger, but my total energy a lot lower.
The final rocket was shoot from within a factory building with 4 factory buildings in it, one for each ingredient. Those also had multiple buildings in them, and those also... etc.
My plan was to make it shoot a rocket each minute, but I stopped at the first one because of 0.15.
The creating of the 3 rocket part parts was probably ready for a rocket each 10 minute, the creating of the satellite was very unstructured hacked together because I wanted to play 0.15

Oh, and I had just a small part of all the research done.
I plan to replicate only basic items in store and rocket factory. I will wait some time before I play 0.15. I need to complete my work here. In the meantime devs will fix bugs in 0.15 and mods will get updated.

I have come to a conclusion, that I don't want to replicate only basic items. The energy is not a problem, I can build power plants easily with blueprints. Replicators save a lot of space and factory complexity. Also, to maximize performance in launching rockets, I'll need to shorten the production chains as much as possible, to get as many rockets as possible with the same computational power. In the end the power plants will be destroyed too, to increase performance. Instead, there will be energy recievers to get power from the satellites.
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

2017-05-03 09:29 (36 hours of playing):

This is my store:
Only basic items are replicated, but it's still using enormous amounts of energy. I will replicate more advanced items, when I get power from satellites.

The current goal:
- Start making and launching rockets (Finally :!:)
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

2017-05-07 05:39 (38 hours of playing):

The first rocket has beed launched and this is my rocket part's factory:
I have also expanded the power plant to 2GW and I already need another expansion.

The current goals are:
- More rockets
- More power
- More everything :D

PS: If you did notice, the FPS are starting to drop. We will see how much I can expand before game gets unplayable (under 20 FPS).
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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Re: Biggest factory, my computer can handle 2.0 [In Progress]

Post by Ractaros96 »

2017-05-16 17:47 (40 hours of playing):

18 rockets launched so far:
Unfortunately, I'm suffering from surfeit of playing Factorio. I don't know, if I'll progress further anytime soon.
I'm with Factorio since version 0.11.20. I've finally bought the game on March 11th 2017 (played on pirate version earlier ;) ). It's the second game, I have bought in my entire life, the first one was Anno 2070.
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