Steam Engine Madness

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Steam Engine Madness

Post by theSauce »

This is my second map. I played the first time on passive up to the point where I needed alien artifacts to make purple science packs, and then started over with aggressive enemies. ... index.html

For the second play through, I decided to avoid using any solar power because screw these bugs.

I am using 2 mods:

It's starting to get to the point where I'm having trouble bringing in enough resources to keep up with production.
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Re: Steam Engine Madness

Post by mooklepticon »

I like your defenses! I've been contemplating how to handle wide-spread defenses and you've given me some ideas.
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Re: Steam Engine Madness

Post by Qon »

Fitting title :o
I don't get your factory at all. Mind blown.

2 red science factories and a rocket silo... Have you stopped researching or did you play like that all the time?
Your steam engine setup is massive but your factory is tiny. Only 4 green circuit assemblers? And why chains of passive provider instead of smart inserters to active providers?
It think you have more repair pack assemblers than any other thing. And you could have one and deliver the packs by bot instead, repair packs are crafted fairly quickly. Even if you needed that much repair packs your green circuit production isn't big enough. You have a lot of chemical plants though, about the same amount as your assemblers? Your water pumps could be one of your biggest electricity consumers though, if you had enough steam engines to consume that much water. You have a lot of them and I don't think they are even necessary if it was all constructed properly. Why water storage when you can just burn coal directly for power when you need it? Do the basic inserters even manage to grab fuel off the blue fuel belt?
My first factory wasn't better though q:

It doesn't look like a normal newbie factory. Would be nice to see what your electric grid stats look like and your production stats. What is your goal in this playthrough?

Interesting to look at at least. Always nice with factorioMaps shares.
My mods: Capsule Ammo | HandyHands - Automatic handcrafting | ChunkyChunks - Configurable Gridlines
Some other creations: Combinassembly Language GitHub w instructions and link to run it in your browser | 0~drain Laser
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Re: Steam Engine Madness

Post by brunzenstein »

Save file?
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