"Works nicely": Uher...there's no programmatic definition of "nice", so i'll skip checking that.
"Registered on first tick": I'll have to look into the timing of remote interface. Should work.
"Should not change during game": Trivial. Just write lock.
"Disable normal gen in data": Trivial. Just provide a function.
"Modification to existing": Easy. Provide a method to give a mod an existing table and get back a new one.
If you have any actual interest in this i'm sure we can figure something out (and i can benefit from it in the future ;).
If you've already given up on it internally...please tell so i don't have to waste effort :p.
So...i wrote a very small sample verifier. The main question is: What do you think about the "specification" part? Is it easy enough for you to fill in the missing values (for now all number ranges are 0 to 10000)? Do you feel comfortable writing a complete specification if i write the verification function?
Code: Select all
local specification = {
type = {
type = 'string',
optional = false,
allowed_values = {['resource-liquid']=true,['resource-ore']=true},
allotment = {
type = 'integer',
optional = false,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 10000,
spawns_per_region = {
type = 'table',
optional = false,
values = {
min = {
type = 'integer',
min_value = 0,
max_value = 10000,
optional = false,
max = {
type = 'integer',
min_value = 0,
max_value = 10000,
compare = {min = 'greater_or_equal'},
richness = {
type = 'integer',
optional = false,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 10000,
size = {
type = 'table',
optional = false,
values = {
min = {
type = 'integer',
optional = false,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 10000,
max = {
type = 'integer',
optional = false,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 10000,
compare = {min = 'greater_or_equal'},
min_amount = {
type = 'integer',
optional = false,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 10000,
size = {
type = 'table',
values = {
min = {
type = 'integer',
optional = false,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 10000,
max = {
type = 'integer',
optional = false,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 10000,
compare = {min = 'greater_or_equal'},
starting = {
type = 'table',
values = {
richness = {
type = 'integer',
optional = false,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 10000,
size = {
type = 'integer',
optional = false,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 10000,
probability = {
type = 'decimal',
optional = false,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 1,
local spec_spec = { --change with great care! this specifies the specification format.
string = {
allowed_values = {'table','string'},
optional = 'boolean',
integer = {
min_value = 'number',
max_value = 'number',
local err(name,key,message)
'Error occured during RSO config import:\n'..
'Problematic node: '..name..
'Problematic key: '..key..
'Problem: '..message)
local function validate_config(config)
for name,node in pairs(config) do
for key,spec in pairs(specification) do
--config entry is not a table (completely broken)
if type(node) ~= 'table' then
error('This is not a table: '..serpent.line(node))
local value = node[key]
--optional key is missing
if not (spec.optional or value) then
err(name,key,'Mandatory key is missing')
--checking strings
if spec.type == 'string' then
if type(value) ~= 'string' then
err('Value must be a string')
if not spec.allowed_values[value] then
err(name,key,'Value must be one of :'..serpent.line(spec.allowed_values))
--checking integer
if spec.type == 'integer' then
if not (
(type(value) == 'number')) and
(tonumber(value) == math.floor(tonumber(value)))
) then
err(name,key,'Value must be an integer')
if (value < spec.min_value) or (value > spec.max_value) then
err(name,key,'Value is out of range: '..spec.min_value..' to '..spec.max_value)
--check table