Different train stations can have same name and allow trains to pick one, which is currently implemented as "nearest first", but maybe you want to drain specific stations first and have better control over it.What ?
Train stations should have a priority (signed integer), that if multiple stations have the same name, the train will drive to the nearest station with highest priority, which is possible.Why ?
A large scale factorio world mostly has a huge rail system with hundreds of stations and trains. One very important thing is maintenance. Factory setups getting inefficient and you want to replace them, so you can cut resources and let it drain. At current it's not possible to give such stations a higher priority.The only 80% workaround is to give different names (e.g. "XXX iron load", see picture) and let all trains drive to the higher prioritized stations first, then to the other ones, but it has other drawbacks. it will always tries to drive to the "low-prio" station, even if the train is already full and maybe that station is occupied so trains unnecessarily getting stuck.