[posila] [1.1.1] Spidertron remote cannot follow my character in multiplayer

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[posila] [1.1.1] Spidertron remote cannot follow my character in multiplayer

Post by SupplyDepoo »

When I attempt to order a spidertron to follow my own character in multiplayer I get the floating text showing "-1 Spidertron remote (1)".

I would expect it to issue a follow-order as it does when clicking on other players or on myself when in singleplayer.
spidertron-remote-self-follow-multi-bug.png (101.51 KiB) Viewed 2523 times
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Re: [posila] [1.1.1] Spidertron remote cannot follow my character in multiplayer

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.
For 1.1.4 I fixed that it was not possible to select the character at all, but it still kind of sucks. It is selecting real-character entity, which is not drawn, and not latency state character, which multiplayer clients see, so unless you stand still, you'll have hard time selecting your character.

I'll create a trello card to look into making that work better (no promises, though). Simple option would be to disable latency hiding when player holds spidertron remote in cursor, but that seems like that would make everything else worse in order to fix this one use case.
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