[Rseding91] [0.16.18] No way to eject a player from a vehicle sometimes

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[Rseding91] [0.16.18] No way to eject a player from a vehicle sometimes

Post by Earendel »

If a vehicle is surrounded by colliding entities for whatever reason, calling vehicle.set_driver(nil) does nothing. This makes sense in some situations where you don't want the player overlapping colliding entities, but if you need to destroy the vehicle that tick it's a game breaking problem because the player dies when you call .destroy().

The problem is made worse in that Vehicle_B.set_driver(Vehicle_A.get_driver()) also won't work if Vehicle_A's exit is blocked. Ideally if you're transferring a player between vehicles it would skip any player-can_place_entity style check and just put them in the other vehicle wherever that may be.

I tried moving the blocked vehicle to an open area before ejecting the player, but that only works if the eject command is on a tick after the Vehicle_A.teleport command. If they are called on the same tick then the passenger is still stuck (and killed if Vehicle_A is destroyed).

If there was a way to do something like: Vehicle_A.set_driver(nil, true) where the 2nd parameter is an override to skip placement checking then there would be a way out of the situation. Also if teleporting the vehicle before ejecting worked then that would be a workaround, it seems strange that doesn't.

Below is some code to recreate the problems:

v1.set_driver(nil) does not eject the player:

Code: Select all

/c p = game.player
s = p.surface
pos = {x = math.floor(game.player.position.x)+0.5, y = math.floor(game.player.position.y)+0.5}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x -1, pos.y-1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x, pos.y-1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x +1, pos.y-1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x -1, pos.y}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x +1, pos.y}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x -1, pos.y+1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x, pos.y+1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x +1, pos.y+1}, force = p.force}
v1 = s.create_entity{name="car", position=pos, force=p.force}
v2.set_driver(v1.get_driver()) does not transfer the player: (Note: v2 is in a clear unblocked position away from v1)

Code: Select all

/c p = game.player
s = p.surface
pos = {x = math.floor(game.player.position.x)+0.5, y = math.floor(game.player.position.y)+0.5}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x -1, pos.y-1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x, pos.y-1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x +1, pos.y-1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x -1, pos.y}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x +1, pos.y}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x -1, pos.y+1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x, pos.y+1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x +1, pos.y+1}, force = p.force}
v1 = s.create_entity{name="car", position=pos, force=p.force}
v2 = s.create_entity{name="car", position={pos.x + 4, pos.y}, force=p.force}
v1.set_driver(nil) does not eject the player even if the vehicle is moved to a clear position that tick:

Code: Select all

/c p = game.player
s = p.surface
pos = {x = math.floor(game.player.position.x)+0.5, y = math.floor(game.player.position.y)+0.5}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x -1, pos.y-1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x, pos.y-1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x +1, pos.y-1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x -1, pos.y}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x +1, pos.y}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x -1, pos.y+1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x, pos.y+1}, force = p.force}
s.create_entity{name="stone-wall", position={pos.x +1, pos.y+1}, force = p.force}
v1 = s.create_entity{name="car", position=pos, force=p.force}
v1.teleport({pos.x + 4, pos.y})
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Re: [0.16.18] No way to eject a player from a vehicle sometimes

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. The way vehicles work is they move the player to them at the beginning of each tick. If you move the vehicle the player is still where it was last so when you call "leave vehicle" it tries to leave from that original position.

I changed "leave vehicle" so it just puts the player at the location of the car if a normal eject location can't be found.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [Rseding91] [0.16.18] No way to eject a player from a vehicle sometimes

Post by Earendel »

Sounds great, thanks.
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