[0.15.21] Yellow UG Belt block - mark/unmark deconstruction

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[0.15.21] Yellow UG Belt block - mark/unmark deconstruction

Post by _Peter_ »

I have a main bus layout and try to do the "there is no spoon" achievement and I often do the following "work flow":
  • load saved game A
  • build something new to the existing bus
  • make a blueprint
  • store blueprint to global library
  • store save game to some temporary save game B (this stores the global blueprint library, otherwise the blueprints are lost)
  • load save game A
  • now i want to place the blueprint from the global library, but I lose all connections in the main bus, because with SHIFT+click it is not placing over existing structures, so I do the following:
  • mark part of main bus where I want to place the blueprint for deconstruction with the deconstruction planner (this temporarily stops all belts - which is expected)
  • place blueprint with shift+click (now it places all ghosts, even over existing entities (mostly belts, UG belts, splitters), because they is already marked for deconstruction)
  • unmark everything for deconstruction with SHIFT+drag of the deconstruction planner
  • now all entities behave as before the mark for deconstruction, PLUS i have ghosts where I should build something (I do not use bots, because I do the speed thingy, so I manually build everything that has been placed as ghost by the blueprint)
Usually this works nicely, but recently a weird thing happened: all yellow underground belts that were marked for deconstruction and un-marked for deconstruction did not re-awake from this procedure and stayed in the status of not transporting items. They were no longer marked for deconstruction. The only solution was to remove and rebuild them to make the main bus work again.

As a side note, placing a belt ghost over a belt of the same type that was marked for deconstruction and later unmarking for deconstruction keeps the ghost and introduces flickering effects of the ghost over the entity of same type.

As a second side note, maybe SHIFT+click could place ghosts over existing structures of different type, eliminating the need for using the deconstruction planner at all.

As a third side note, maybe the global blue print storage could be updated independently from save games.

As a fourth side not, I use two computers and every time I change computer blueprints are duplicated in the global blue print storage, already reported in viewtopic.php?f=182&t=48977

Thank you for the great game and sorry for the creative usage of its features! :)
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Re: [0.15.21] Yellow UG Belt block - mark/unmark deconstruction

Post by Harkonnen »

On a fifth note - using blueprint library for that achievements sounds like cheating :)

As for ghosts over unmarked entities and belts getting frozen - I will look into it. If you have savegame with them frozen - that would help a lot.
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Re: [0.15.21] Yellow UG Belt block - mark/unmark deconstruction

Post by Rseding91 »

That's working as intended. In 0.15.0 we changed underground belts to respect ghost underground belts so the order the underground belts are built doesn't change what they end up connected to.

http://i.imgur.com/y6ZIOEF.png say all belts in that image are ghosts and the robots build the left and right underground belts before the middle ones. The left belt would feed items all the way to the right side and pollute the belts. With them respecting ghost belts they only ever connect to the one they would normally connect to once all belts are built.
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Re: [0.15.21] Yellow UG Belt block - mark/unmark deconstruction

Post by _Peter_ »

@Rseding I think I understand the logic. In that case the solution (apart from the correct remark that this is like cheating) would be to use the deconstruction planner to mark the nonworking underground belt for demolition and remove the ghost, and then to unmark the demolition - then the underground belt should work again. That is much easier than rebuilding them.

However it does not work. I found a savegame that has this behavior in one underground belt and tried to "revive" it by marking for deconstruction and unmarking, but it is still nonfunctional. Indeed, when hovering the mouse over one end of the belt, the other (previously connected) end of the belt is not shown.

Maybe I misunderstood something. In any case I have uploaded a savegame where the copper belt where I am standing (going up at the right end of the "main bus") is nonfunctional.

http://peterschueller.com/broken-copper-belt.zip (6MB)
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Re: [0.15.21] Yellow UG Belt block - mark/unmark deconstruction

Post by Harkonnen »

Ghosts staying over unmarked-for-deconstruction entities has been solved for coming release. As for stuck belts - this is some different issue which we are still searching for.
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Re: [0.15.21] Yellow UG Belt block - mark/unmark deconstruction

Post by _Peter_ »

Thank you.
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