❗How to report a bug - READ BEFORE POSTING❗

Post your bugs and problems so we can fix them.
Factorio Staff
Factorio Staff
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Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:51 pm

❗How to report a bug - READ BEFORE POSTING❗

Post by slpwnd »

Please help us by reading this topic thoroughly and follow it precisely!
  1. Only one bug per report.
  2. Report only bugs from the latest version, ideally the latest experimental version.
  3. Report the bug as new topic in Bug Reports after reading this topic.
If reporting a Desync or Performance problem follow the instructions behind the relevant link as well.
Search first
  1. Use the advanced search, limit it to only look in the Bug Report sub-forum, use keywords like: Crash, load, start, inserter, train,...
  2. Search the Known issues.
  3. Check if your problem can be solved by measures for common graphic issues.
If you are sure you found an existing report about your issue, contribute to that report, don't open a new one.
Make a useful title
  1. Start the title with the latest version YOU had experienced the issue with in square brackets: [0.12.22]
    Wrong: [0.12.XX] or [12.19 to 12.22].
    For issues on the Nintendo Switch add [switch] after the version: [0.12.22][switch]
  2. What happened and in what context: "Crash when loading a save" or "Inserter not taking coal"
    Wrong: "Game Crashed"
Describe the problem by answering these questions
  1. What did you do?
  2. What happened?
  3. What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
  4. Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
Be precise! When i click with the mouse on Quit in the main menu... Not: When I close the game.

If you can reproduce the issue, provide the exact steps!

Provide Attachments
  • log-file for every report! Log files contain very useful information such as your configuration, your settings and more context to your problem. Please include it even if you believe it's unnecessary.
  • save-file for any gameplay or save dependent issue! Creating a small save file that illustrates the issue can help us understand the problem much easier.
  • screenshots, gifs, webm, videos can help us understand the problem much easier.
Upload files <30MB as direct forum attachment, upload bigger files to Google Drive or Dropbox instead and post a public link.
Answer Questions

Often we will need additional information, so please revisit your report and answer when more details are requested. If the report has been moved you can find it under Your posts.

Thank you!


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