[0.12.0][pos] Accumulator is wasting energy with combinators

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[0.12.0][pos] Accumulator is wasting energy with combinators

Post by XKnight »

Cosider next build:
Solar panels are filling accumulator by 300 kw (maximal charge rate), and at the same time accumulator is providing energy for 12 turrets and 6 combinators:
12 * 24 kw + 6 * 2 kw = 300 kw.

According to this, accumulator should keep it energy at the same level, but in fact it is quickly discharging.
Note: combinators perform "output=input+-1", accumulator and turrets are fully charged at the start of the expiriment.

If we replace six combinators with one additional turret everything will be ok:
13 * 24 kw = 312 kw > 300 kw, so turrets are slowly discharging and energy level is stable.
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Re: [0.12.0] Accumulator is wasting energy with combinators

Post by posila »

Thanks you for the report.
I am pretty sure it has something to do with https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... 30&t=13729
Could you upload save of your setup? It would help us verifying it was fixed faster. Thank you :)
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Re: [0.12.0] Accumulator is wasting energy with combinators

Post by Cerbsen »

This is more likely a problem with laser turrets... replace the 6 combinators with 2+ inserters or one "assembling machine 2" and you get the same result.

12 turrets + 5 inserters (290 KW)-> accumulator quickly discharging
12 turrets + 1 AM2 (293 KW) -> accumulator quickly discharging

replace the laser turrets with a lot of assembling machines/electric furnaces/inserters + combinators and everything is fine.

### edit:

299 power usage with combinators -> accumulator charging
300 power usage -> accumulator stops charging / keeps load
3xx power usage -> accumulator stops charging / keeps load -> factory slows down
with combinators
299 power usage -> accumulator charging
300 power usage -> accumulator stops charging / keeps load
3xx power usage -> accumulator stops charging / keeps load -> factory slows down
only assembling machines
299 power usage with laser turret -> accumulator discharging!
300 power usage -> accumulator discharging
3xx power usage -> accumulator discharging -> factory slows down
with laser turret
278 -> power usage with laser turret -> accumulator stops discharging / keeps load
less than 278 power usage with laser turret -> accumulator charging
laser turret charging
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use: /c game.always_day = true
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Re: [0.12.0][pos] Accumulator is wasting energy with combinators

Post by posila »

Thanks for the save. I was looking forward to dismissing this issue as already fixed, but then I loaded your save ... :)
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