[Kovarex] [2.0.15] Signal Parameter in a signal not equals interrupt does not behave as expected.

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[Kovarex] [2.0.15] Signal Parameter in a signal not equals interrupt does not behave as expected.

Post by wild_dog »

I have a train that uses a signal sent to the station to dynamically tell it which loading station to go to.
That station also reads the train ID on Signal_T.

To prevent it from going to a [L]Signal_T station, I added the following interrupt condition in an AND stack: Cirquit Signal parameter Not equal Signal_T.

Logically, if Signal_T passes the rest of the conditions as a candidate for the Signal Parameter, it won't pass this one, since Signal_T always equals Signal_T, so logically Signal_T not equals Signal_T should always be false.

However, the interrupt happily triggers with a Signal_T as output of the Signal Parameter.

See attatched image.
afbeelding.png (2.37 MiB) Viewed 161 times
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