Residual HR images, not referenced

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Aug 22, 2023 8:45 am

Residual HR images, not referenced

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Hiya! I didn't find any bug reports on this one, but maybe it's fixed in experimental, I'm on latest stable. I noticed that there are still a low vs high resolution images in the game files, and the prototypes themselves don't reference the hr versions. All cases of standard vs hr .png files still existing are:
  • __base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/
  • __base__/graphics/entity/compilatron-chest/
  • __base__/graphics/entity/explosion-gunshot/
On the flipside, searching the prototype scripts, explosion_animations.bigass_explosion() references

Code: Select all

filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/bigass-explosion/hr-bigass-explosion-36f.png",
which doesn't exist, but fortunately doesn't seem to get loaded since no errors occur.

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