[2.0.20] Raining Bullets Not Triggering

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[2.0.20] Raining Bullets Not Triggering

Post by Silden »

v2.0.20 Build 80511 - the achievement Raining Bullets didn't trigger

I have launched a vessel with just Fish (was trying for "So long and thanks for all the fish" not knowing that it was a known bug for the achievement not to trigger)
I also built a space platform, and received the achievement "Reach for the stars"

However, I didn't receive Raining Bullets [Launch a rocket to space without building any laser turrets] - I've not built any (I'll go so far as to say I've not unlocked the research for it, let alone build them!), and I couldn't find any other post here related to that achievement.
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Re: [Pard] [2.0.20] Raining Bullets Not Triggering

Post by Pard »

I was unable to reproduce this problem. Can you please provide at least a save file where this is happening?
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