[0.17.0] Oil refinery problem: inputs are changing on recipe change

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[0.17.0] Oil refinery problem: inputs are changing on recipe change

Post by Dixi »

I've loaded existing 0.16 save with big base.

In oil refinery section all refineries were connected for Advanced oil processing plan.
But some of them were switched later to Basic oil processing. That caused no problems in 0.16
After map load in 0.17 water supplying pipe become marked for oil, water pump disappeared and all Advanced oil processing apparently stopped.
Despite that fact that all those "old water pipes" are empty and holds 0.0 oil, they still are marked as oil pipes.

As I understand oil refinery is changing it's inputs according to selected recipe.
It's inconvenient.
Could we have it's input connections always 1 water and 1 oil? Water will be not used for Basic, but it will be still water connection.

Current oil refinery functionality prevent switching recipe from Advanced to Basic.

And if everything will stay as close as possible to current design (this option I don't like, but it's not me to decide), then refineries with basic recipe should be turn off (to recipe selection state) on 0.16 save load, not entire water supply for oil refinery ruined.

I think my view on this problem is correct, because, in all similar situation with different factories, that are supplied by inserters, one can switch factory production without problems, without removing not needed inserters. And current oil refinery functionality does not fit this style.
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Re: [0.17.0] Oil refinery problem: inputs are changing on recipe change

Post by gallomimia »

This bug is still a problem in 0.17.69 Not technically a bug but definitely a design flaw, and a horrible one at that.
Very annoying. I have oil sent to refineries, and now I will have to use up the oil or pump it back to storage in order to rework the piping before I can even change recipes.

Or it might be an issue with the Steam Cracking mod still using the old pairing. Please fix this. It will literally take you 3 seconds to copy and paste the ingredients in the base mod recipe. You can't have done this dreadful thing on purpose. At least post a reply to the concerned users about why this is "not a bug"
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Re: [0.17.0] Oil refinery problem: inputs are changing on recipe change

Post by Bilka »

The basic oil processing recipe already has a free input for the water pipe.

This post is in "not a bug" because nothing about the old post is a bug report. At most it is a suggestion - just like your post.
I'm an admin over at https://wiki.factorio.com. Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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Re: [0.17.0] Oil refinery problem: inputs are changing on recipe change

Post by gallomimia »

The point we are trying to make is, that free input for the water pipe, becomes the new input for the oil pipe, and the old input for the oil pipe only accepts water. I genuinely doubt you decided to do this terrible thing on purpose.
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Re: [0.17.0] Oil refinery problem: inputs are changing on recipe change

Post by invisus »

gallomimia wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 2:07 am The point we are trying to make is, that free input for the water pipe, becomes the new input for the oil pipe, and the old input for the oil pipe only accepts water. I genuinely doubt you decided to do this terrible thing on purpose.
Does it?

refineries.png (792.44 KiB) Viewed 3152 times

Seems the crude input stays on the same side of the refinery between basic and advanced oil processing.... but I feel like I'm missing something as described.

Is this something specific to the 0.16.x -> 0.17.x upgrade? If so, what exactly is that?
Did the crude oil inputs change between 0.16 and 0.17? If memory serves, in 0.16.x the basic oil processing recipe would give BOTH inputs as crude oil. Is that the problem?
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Re: [0.17.0] Oil refinery problem: inputs are changing on recipe change

Post by DaleStan »

I just loaded up 0.16 to check. The only difference in pipe connections between 0.16 and 0.17 is for basic oil processing. I also checked the chemical plants, and saw no changes in the connections there.

For advanced oil processing, the clockwise input is used for water. For basic oil processing, the clockwise input is reserved in 0.17, instead of accepting crude in 0.16. This is by design, to make it harder to design refinery complexes that cannot be upgraded from basic oil processing to advanced oil processing.

If this is not what you are seeing, please attach screenshots and/or saves, so we we can help figure out why you're seeing what you're seeing.
If this is what you are seeing and you do not want to see it, there are several mods (I haven't tested any, but some of these may work for you) that will change the oil processing recipes back. You can also finish your current game with 0.16, and then start a new game in 0.17.
Oil processing.png
Oil processing.png (513.06 KiB) Viewed 3147 times
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Re: [0.17.0] Oil refinery problem: inputs are changing on recipe change

Post by gallomimia »

Ah. This might be a bug in a plugin I am using. Will go post there.
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