Auto trash default quantity is bad

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Auto trash default quantity is bad

Post by fessoric »

Defaulting to one stack is wrong almost always. At the very least, there should be an option to default to 20k, similar to the option that defaults requests to 1 instead of a stack.

Say that you notice that you have 10 stacks of belts, and want to reduce that to 500. You switch to the auto-trash tab, click the cell, select yellow belts, then down to the quantity and update it to 500. A few seconds later, your bots come and take not 500 of them off your hands, but 900. Or, if you notice before your bots arrive, you can try to transfer them out of the trash slots and back into inventory.

This should default to a safe number, or users should have the option to make it default to a safe number.
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Re: Auto trash default quantity is bad

Post by Amarula »

This also applies to the auto request quantity. If I need 5 of an item, and I add it to as a logistic request, then 50 or 100 or 200 batteries show up before I have time to change the quantity. My current solution is to exit the logistic area before making any new request, so I can edit the number before the logistic system sees it.
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Re: Auto trash default quantity is bad

Post by Zavian »

Amarula wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:32 pm This also applies to the auto request quantity. If I need 5 of an item, and I add it to as a logistic request, then 50 or 100 or 200 batteries show up before I have time to change the quantity. My current solution is to exit the logistic area before making any new request, so I can edit the number before the logistic system sees it.
There is already an option to set the default request quantity to 1. THis topic is about having a similar option for the autotrash setting.
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Re: Auto trash default quantity is bad

Post by Amarula »

Zavian wrote: Sat Jan 05, 2019 5:02 pm There is already an option to set the default request quantity to 1.
Thank you! Took me a little searching but I found it.
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Re: Auto trash default quantity is bad

Post by pleegwat »

I think this is primarily a UI failing, and when the inventory/trash UI is redesigned there should be a better way to specify request/trash thresholds before they become active.
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Re: Auto trash default quantity is bad

Post by bobucles »

I'd rather let the player set the number before the trash system becomes active.

There's also a cute (annoying) thing where if your auto trash and logistic request conflict, then a million bots will shuffle items around your inventory all day. Generally auto trash should be the lower priority because when a player requests something it means they want it despite any other requests.
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Re: Auto trash default quantity is bad

Post by Koub »

bobucles wrote: Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:30 pm Generally auto trash should be the lower priority because when a player requests something it means they want it despite any other requests.
This is not proved to be true. One could say exactly the opposite (when womebody trashes something, it's that he doesn't want it any more, despite other requests).
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Auto trash default quantity is bad

Post by fessoric »

Koub wrote: Mon Jan 07, 2019 5:52 am
bobucles wrote: Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:30 pm Generally auto trash should be the lower priority because when a player requests something it means they want it despite any other requests.
This is not proved to be true. One could say exactly the opposite (when womebody trashes something, it's that he doesn't want it any more, despite other requests).
In a different thread, I argued that the most recent change should update the older one if they conflict. For example, if you have a standing request for 100 iron bars and you ask it to auto-trash anything over 50, that should reduce your request to 50. And if you increase your request back to 100, that should increase your auto-trash to 100. In both cases, the newer logistic command adjusts the older command as needed.

The least surprising way to prioritize these things is not to declare one or the other to be the most important, but to place the latest expression of the player's will as the most important one. If the player moves north for a while, then turns back south, the game does not "prioritize" northward movement, it goes with the most recent input from the player.

But this thread isn't about that topic, which can be found here. This request is specifically about allowing the user to default auto-trash to a safe quantity, the same way that auto-requests allow a safe default to be selected in the game options.

If, as someone else has said, the next UI will allow the player to edit the logistic settings before they become active, that will make this request moot. If not though, this would be a trivial fix.
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Re: Auto trash default quantity is bad

Post by bobucles »

This is not proved to be true. One could say exactly the opposite (when womebody trashes something, it's that he doesn't want it any more, despite other requests).
Trash slots are unlimited. Logistic slots are limited. Set the trash slots and keep them always active. If you are done requesting something, remove the request and let the trash take over.

Actively requesting items will set a minimum lmit. If you request 100 circuits and autotrash to 200, then you have an inventory range 100-200. If you request 100 and discard to 50, then you have a range 100-100. When you delete the request the trash takes over and pulls it down to 50. If you need them again, simply request them and you will have them.

It makes sense to favor requests over rejects because players proactively need things NOW and passively forget things when they are done with them. "I need 5 assemblers" and "okay, I'm done with assemblers". That's how the human thought process works. It does not work like "Okay I need to throw away all my assemblers except in case I need 5 and if I need more than five I don't want to throw them away anymore so I better stop throwing them away and request more than 5". Makes sense?
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