Loading items into entities on the run...

Suggestions that have been added to the game.

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Loading items into entities on the run...

Post by apriori »

...like conveyor line building: take a stack of ammo clips (or ore) into hand and run along a row of turrets (or furnaces) with Ctrl+LMB pressed - and items will be inserted into. Or Ctrl+RMB to insert a half of items held in the hand.

Useful for early game, and for setting up outposts.
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Re: Loading items into entities on the run...

Post by daniel34 »

Have you tried this in the game? It already works exactly how you described it. Or am I missing something here?
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Re: Loading items into entities on the run...

Post by apriori »

No, it doesn't. Now you have to click on each entity. But I suggest not clicking but keeping the button pressed.
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Re: Loading items into entities on the run...

Post by daniel34 »

I see, it was there in your original post. Sorry for not reading more diligently. That could actually be a very useful feature, I'm surprised that it wasn't suggested before (as far as I know).

One question: Imagine you run down a row of turrets with CTRL+RMB held to fill to 50 and you pass turret 1-4 but (with RMB still held) go back to 3, should it be filled again (to 100) or ignored the second time?
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Re: Loading items into entities on the run...

Post by apriori »

daniel34 wrote:I see, it was there in your original post. Sorry for not reading more diligently. That could actually be a very useful feature, I'm surprised that it wasn't suggested before (as far as I know).

One question: Imagine you run down a row of turrets with CTRL+RMB held to fill to 50 and you pass turret 1-4 but (with RMB still held) go back to 3, should it be filled again (to 100) or ignored the second time?
Well, you run twice - you put twice. As now, when you click Ctrl+RMB twice - you put twice. But if you put once and then keep holding the pointer with pressed Ctrl+RMB over the entity - nothing should happen, I apologise. Until the pointer will leave an entity.
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Re: Loading items into entities on the run...

Post by daniel34 »

Implemented in 0.15.0.
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