If not considered yet, please make the amount of currently routing trains to train stop available via circuit network.What ?
While working on train stops one feature would be quite nice in addition to the limit option. I think it will be useful to check how many trains currently go to that specific train stop by some signal for the circuit network.Why ?
In principle two factors are importent for a controlled production line.First: Are there enough resources produced to sustain a constant production?
And Second: Is the transportation of this resources fast enough to sustain a constant production?
The first point is in most cases easily recognized and solved as well.
The second is, while bottlenecking your production, quite tricky to recognize and it is even harder to grasp its impact on the production in a train based factory.
But with some easy circuit network in my mind, the "impact of the transportation bottleneck" could be monitored pretty nicely with this feature.
By the way. I do like to draw your attention once more to this suggestion viewtopic.php?p=318587#p318587.