Code: Select all
entities (array of Entity to clone)
destination_offset (Vector, how far to move the entities)
destination_surface (SurfaceSpecification, optional, defaults to the same surface)
It should return an array of Entity with the same indexes as the array that was passed into the function, with nils (or maybe false so that the # operator works?) where entities could not be cloned.
on_entity_cloned should be raised for each entity that was cloned.
Additionally, parameters similar to find_entities_filtered could be added to find the entities/tiles, which would essentially combine surface.clone_multiple({ entities = surface.find_entities_filtered({ ... }), ... }) into a single API call. However the overhead of cloning a bunch of entities is going to far outweigh the additional API call so it really isn't necessary.
ps: thx 4 on_entity_cloned