Wire Connections

Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
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Wire Connections

Post by lyravega »

As far as I can tell, there is no way to get the wire connections for certain entities. "Neighbours" is supposed to return an entity or entity table, but this only works for pipes/belts/poles. In other words, I have no way of getting which entity is connected to what from the API, for an inserter for example. If I force my way; check every cell that a wire can be attached to these entities, it raises the same problem, as you can wire an inserter to another.

The reason I need such a thing is, I have a mod that destroys an inserter and creates a new one in the same place when you rotate it. I can copy the existing filters, existing circuit / logistics conditions, but I cannot reconnect the wires. There are methods to connect / disconnect a wire between two entities, however this requires specific information, an "neighbours" as I've said, only works on poles/pipes/belts.

So my suggestion is simple. If an entity can accept a wire connection (red wire, green wire), allow "neighbours" to be callable on these entities as well.
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Re: Wire Connections

Post by curiosity »

This is a duplicate of a part of viewtopic.php?f=28&t=5699 which already exists.
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