With Quality bonuses, transmission only electric poles are no longer possible (as far as I know).
This is a small niche thing, but I hope something is added to the API that restores this possibility.
Transmission only electric poles
Re: Transmission only electric poles
On the ContainerPrototype, there is a boolean flag "quality_affects_inventory_size". This request would be satisfied by adding a boolean flag on ElectricPolePrototype called "quality_affects_supply_area_distance".
My mods: Multiple Unit Train Control, Smart Artillery Wagons
Maintainer of Vehicle Wagon 2, Cargo Ships, Honk
Maintainer of Vehicle Wagon 2, Cargo Ships, Honk
Re: Transmission only electric poles
If the quality bonus were a % like many other items, rather than addition, that would work too.
Re: Transmission only electric poles
Version 2.0.29 has resolved this issue.