Boop- Combinator based button presser

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Boop- Combinator based button presser

Post by bobucles »

Currently there are two major types of remotes in the game, one to launch artillery and one to control the spidertron. Currently these remotes must be used manually, but what if the remotes themselves could be automated?

Enter the booper, a device made strictly for pushing buttons on the remote. It's a combinator type of machine that has 4 major inputs. Input 1 is defined by the remote, controlling either artillery or a particular spidertron. Inputs 2 and 3 are combinator inputs, providing a simple XY offset (or maybe radius/angle). The last type of input pushes the button. The rest is up to the players to tinker with. Shall they create a spidertron themed power display? Or an artillery clock? Bonus points if there is an option to remote control cars, tanks or trains.

I suppose the biggest difficulties involve what happens if multiple remotes compete over the same target. Also I dunno if player specific items can be so trivially used by the factory.
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