Train Stop Circuit Wagon Separation

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Train Stop Circuit Wagon Separation

Post by bourne327 »

renamed top topic to match subject better — ssilk

Could you add a checkbox for the train station that allows contents read by the circuit network to be separated by car?

Here's the idea:

Contents Currently In the Cars:
Car 1: 0 Iron Plates
Car 2: 0 Iron Plates
Car 3: 0 Iron Plates
Car 4: 1200 Iron Plates

Circuit Network as it is:
Train Contents: 1200 Iron Plates

Circuit Network with Checkbox to Separate By Car:
Car 1: 0 Iron Plates
Car 2: 0 Iron Plates
Car 3: 0 Iron Plates
Car 4: 1200 Iron Plates

This would allow load balancing during unloading. Also, you could tell the train to leave if ANY CAR goes to 0.

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Re: Train Stop Circuit Car Separation

Post by valneq »

You can move the balancing logic to before loading the cargo wagons and after unloading – thus you will never reach such an unbalanced state.

There are many ways to do that, ranging from balancing belts to circuit controlled inserters. None of these solutions require you to read the exact content of each wagon. I hope you are aware of these solutions and just suggest implementing yet another option.

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Re: Train Stop Circuit Car Separation

Post by bourne327 »

I did consider the possibility of doing this, but it seemed like an exercise in futility compared to the point of the game. I suppose it is a balance of what is complexity for complexity's sake and what is complexity for the challenge of the game.

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Re: Train Stop Circuit Car Separation

Post by valneq »

bourne327 wrote:
Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:51 pm
I did consider the possibility of doing this, but it seemed like an exercise in futility compared to the point of the game. I suppose it is a balance of what is complexity for complexity's sake and what is complexity for the challenge of the game.
What do you think is the point of the game?

I think the point is to solve problems. And the balance issue is just one of them. But once you solved it, you can easily copy&paste your solution – and gradually improve upon it, if you find flaws. See it as a puzze :-)

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Re: Train Stop Circuit Wagon Separation

Post by Ajedi32 »

How would that even work? There's only one train station to connect the circuit wires to, and only two types of wire. How would you separate the signals for a train with more than two cars?

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Re: Train Stop Circuit Wagon Separation

Post by Serenity »

Ajedi32 wrote:
Mon Jun 08, 2020 3:04 pm
How would that even work? There's only one train station to connect the circuit wires to, and only two types of wire. How would you separate the signals for a train with more than two cars?
There are multiple signals after all. Signal 1 = Car 1, Signal 2 = Car 2, etc.

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Re: Train Stop Circuit Wagon Separation

Post by Oktokolo »

Inventory Sensor allows reading the content of a separate wagon.

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Re: Train Stop Circuit Wagon Separation

Post by Tekky »

Related suggestion thread:

viewtopic.php?f=6&t=51387 Rail car/locomotive scanners

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