Modmanager UI - Distinguish currently active mods from non active.

Suggestions that have been added to the game.

Moderator: ickputzdirwech

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Modmanager UI - Distinguish currently active mods from non active.

Post by Squelch »

Non active mods are greyed out, but activated, and not currently active mods have no distinction. Keep them greyed out after being checked, or add some other visual element to distinguish the intermediate status until the next game restart.
What ?
A non active mod is greyed out until it is checked. This makes the mod active for the next game session and is displayed in normal colours. This UI language would appear to make sense. However, the mod is not actually made active in the current game session, so as a consequence, any other mods that might have it as a dependency will not detect it, yet the familiar "UI language" confusingly seems to indicate that it is indeed active.

It might be less confusing if the mod's name continued to be greyed out when checked, or some other visual means to signify that it has been activated, but is not currently active until the next restart.

This screenshot, from my question raised over this problem shows mods that have been installed and activated to satisfy dependencies, but are not detected as being installed. The left hand pane does not show any distinction between currently active, and those just activated in the same game session.
In this particular instance, Pyanodon's Raw Ores shows that stdlib is an unsatisfied dependency, but that mod has also just been correctly installed and apparently looks to be activated.
Why ?
When installing mods, especially those that might be interdependent, making this process as smooth and frustration free for players would be ideal. By displaying the current status of a mod during mod management, leaves the player in no doubt what else they might need to do, or in fact, what they already have done. The need for multiple restarts as a result of this missing feature can be an unnecessary and frustrating waste of time

I consider this to be a low priority QoL improvement (nitpick), but it would convey quality of product to players.
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Re: Modmanager UI - Distinguish currently active mods from non active.

Post by Squelch »

Mods with unsatisfied (installed but not currently active) dependencies are now shown in Red text.

Discovered in 0.18.4, but may have been added earlier. Changelogs in releases subforum seem to have missed this change.

Thanks to whomever added this.
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