Vehicle recall/return to home command

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Vehicle recall/return to home command

Post by Ironhair »

Having an option to get the vehicle to come to you (taking care of waypathing / enemy spawns) or a return to base command would be nice.
I do remember a mod that had C&C style mining with vehicles and could go to the mine field and come back to the 'garage', so this is technically feasible.

I've lost track of how many cars I've left parked on my map and I always carry a stack of engines so I can build myself another car.

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Re: Vehicle recall/return to home command

Post by JimBarracus »

most people use trains to get around
they are more convenient and also faster

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Re: Vehicle recall/return to home command

Post by McDuff »

Ironhair wrote:
Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:47 am
Having an option to get the vehicle to come to you (taking care of waypathing / enemy spawns) or a return to base command would be nice.
I do remember a mod that had C&C style mining with vehicles and could go to the mine field and come back to the 'garage', so this is technically feasible.

I've lost track of how many cars I've left parked on my map and I always carry a stack of engines so I can build myself another car.
Did I read somewhere that pathfinding was getting an overhaul? Hopefully this should make things like automatable vehicles and early game "compilotron" drones more feasible in the base game.

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