Solar isn't the best option for energy generation, especially late-game, and extant mods add new tech trees, instead of mirroring base Factorio content: efficiency research and modules.What ?
Proposal 1: Allow solar panels and accumulators to take modules and be affected by beacons.[*] Solar panels can be fitted with productivity modules. The three tiers of productivity modules might for instance apply their percentage-wise bonus directly to the panel's output and add 2.4 kW, 3.6 kW, and 6 kW, peak production respectively.
[*] Accumulators can be fitted with efficiency modules. The three tiers of efficiency modules apply their percentage as a positive bonus to the energy an accumulator can store, adding 1.5 MJ, 2.0 MJ, and 2.5 MJ storage respectively.
[*] Accumulators can be fitted with speed modules. The three tiers of speed modules apply their percentage bonus to the discharge speed of an accumulator, adding 60 kW, 90 kW, and 150 kW power input/output respectively.
Balancing issues: the figure for productivity modules in solar panels is quite low, perhaps speed modules should apply instead, or the rates of the productivity modules should be multiplied by 5, so they match the bonuses on speed modules. Additionally, the ability to slot modules in either kind of structure could be gated behind it's own research.
Other issues: using an otherwise negative percentage from efficiency modules but with the sign flipped is a little weird. There's room for work-shopping the numbers and wording here.
Proposal 2: infinite "solar panel power output" and "accumulator discharge speed"/"accumulator capacity" research trees.
- Each becomes available perhaps as early as with the Logistics Science pack.
- Each goes up by one additional science pack until reaching a levels-to-infinity technology.
- Solar panels produce 10% more power per level researched.
- Accumulators gain 10% higher capacity, and 10% faster discharge rate per level researched.