Add output graphics to BOP Refinery for the unused outputs

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Add output graphics to BOP Refinery for the unused outputs

Post by JCav »

One proposed complaint about the .17.60 BOP change, is that people won't know to leave space for future liquids. If the recipe for BOP stated that it output 45 Petroleum, 0 Light Oil and 0 Heavy Oil, along with graphics for LO and HO future outputs, this complaint would be nullified.

To ensure clarity: a Refinery which has AOP selected as a recipe, will show PG, LO, and HO output graphics (if you use the Alt mode) before any pipes are hooked up. Make BOP Refinery graphics show the same thing, and clarify in the recipe output that it is 45 PG, 0 LO, 0 HO. People will then know that LO and HO are a thing that will come in the future.

It might even be worth doing so for the future water inputs.
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