Remove flamethrower ammo from the game and replace it with barrelled oils.What ?
- Remove flamethrower ammo from the game.
- Allow flamethrower and tank to use barreled oils (same oils as for flamethrower turret) as ammo.
- Allow different types of oil to provide same bonuses for flamethrower and tank, as for flamethrower turret (Crude oil - 100% Damage, Heavy oil - 105% Damage, Light oil - 110% Damage).
- Add "Filled volume" characteristic to the barrel (similar to Repair Kit), so partially used barrel will provide less oil, if emptied by assembling machine back.
- When depleted, player gets empty barrel back to his inventory (or on the ground if inventory is full).
- Change "Refined flammables" to apply bonus damage to flamethrower and tank, instead of the fuel. The same way it now works for flamethrower turret.
Why ?
- Currently flamethrowers, which are present in the game, have different mechanics, which might be confusing to the new player. This suggestion makes the mechanics identical, so learning how one flamethrower works will gave player the idea about the second one.
- Removes another item in the game, that is only procuded and used in specific situations and is not an ingridient of any further production and replaces it withg already existing item, giving it additional purpose.
- Gives barreled oil additional chance to live and be built by players. I, for instance, never used them for my 2000 hours of gameplay, as there was never need to barrel stuff.