Laser turrets increase power usage with rapid use

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Laser turrets increase power usage with rapid use

Post by AnodeCathode »

As they stand, laser turrets are vastly overpowered, and render large amounts of other weaponry superfluous. I would like to suggest that that power draw for an individual laser turret increases during use, with it eventually overheating and shutting down if firing extremely frequently. Properly balanced, this might provide some purpose for the other turrets, and also add some needed complexity to what is a drop and spam weapon.

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Re: Laser turrets increase power usage with rapid use

Post by immibis »

AnodeCathode wrote:As they stand, laser turrets are vastly overpowered, and render large amounts of other weaponry superfluous. I would like to suggest that that power draw for an individual laser turret increases during use, with it eventually overheating and shutting down if firing extremely frequently. Properly balanced, this might provide some purpose for the other turrets, and also add some needed complexity to what is a drop and spam weapon.

The other turrets need to be buffed as well. They are useless against big biters.

In a thread in the Balancing section about this, someone suggested that laser turrets should need replacement batteries over time, as they wear out from the frequent charge/discharge cycles.
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