Make robots choose the closest storage chest to send items to (deconstructed, trashed, etc.)What ?
Right now, the robots' choice of storage chest to send items to seems random. I tested by creating a robotic network with only one roboport, placed 4 storage chests on the logistics network area, and trashing 1 unit of various items (copper wire, plastic, steel, coal, etc.).Then, I picked up all the items from the chests, and tried again, changing the order of items (plastic, steel, coal, copper wire, etc.). The items are being sent to different chests now. HUH?!
This is very confusing and unpredictable behavior.
Why ?
It makes sense to have robots carry things to the nearest storage chest (since this is a game about production and efficiency), and it's more predictable behavior. Right now, if I'm on a large logistic network, and I'm cutting trees on one end, the robots are sending the logs to the other end of the base (I think it's because that's the location where I placed the first storage chest, and cut the first tree with a robot), even though I have one storage chest right in front of me, and with the filter set.I would like a situation where, I'm deconstructing a small section of the base, the construction bots send the deconstructed items to the nearest chest, the one in front of me, so I can quickly grab the items to design a new setup, rather than run to the other end of the base to collect the items, and run back to the location where I want to build something.