Improved Handling of Filter Removing

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Improved Handling of Filter Removing

Post by DreamConspiracy »

In playing 0.17 one of the first thing that bothered me was difficulty interacting with the filters in the quickbar. I did not know how to remove the filter and ended up having to ask on discord. I was then told to use middle mouse button, and this worked. I have a few criticisms / suggestions regarding this:

1. I personally hate the middle mouse button. Please pick a different default key. (This very well might just be me though).
2. Make the name of the control more helpful than "toggle filter". I had looked through the controls and was only able to recognize that this was correct from the actual binding. Maybe filter is the right term, but if so it should be explained better somewhere, especially to old players for whom the concept of a quickbar filter is very new.
3. Say I'm currently carrying an item in my hand, and I want to set my filter to be that item. Intuitively, I would just hover over the filter, and click "toggle filter" (for me now mouse 5). Unfortunately, this puts the item I have in my hand back in my inventory. This is not helpful, as to do that I would have just clicked q. On the other hand, clicking on the filter also removes the item to my inventory. So now I have three ways to put the item in my inventory, and none to change the filter.

I realize these are mostly criticisms, but the implied suggestions should be pretty clear. Let me know what you guys think.

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