(the Idea!) Sort Production Tab

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(the Idea!) Sort Production Tab

Post by nuhll »

today i got the idea, please make it so that the production / how much is used tab can be kategorized.

In vanilla, its not THAT much of a problem, but with mods... its just crazy.

I would suggest

U click P

-> same window as always, called "all" or "overview"

-> but then you have different tabs (for vanilla it could be Research (all of the packs), Military (all military production/whats used).

----> please make it so that modders can change it according to their mod [OR MAYBE ALSO USERS HAVE A OWN TAB WHERE THERE CAN STORE THEIR INFORMATION THEY WANT]


Because it greatly enchants the user expierince if you can easy group it. For me its now very hard to use because there are so many products...
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