Circuit Network Tokens

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Circuit Network Tokens

Post by mp0011 »

Simple tokens with all circuit network symbols.
Very cheap.
What ?
I know we can translate any output signal into another with combinators, but for some simple designs, it could be useful to have "real" token, that generates specific signal. I mean, we can "read" from chest signals like "iron plate" or "wood", but not [1], [X], or [RED]. We can set those signals in Constant Combinator, but it's often to many wiring to use it properly and dynamically change.
Why ?
I was creating system that toggles train between three unloading stations. First train goes to first station, 2nd to 2nd and so on in cycle
The simplest way is to use chests with some kind of token and inserters connected to Rail Signals. I need to put SOMETHING into the chest, and I found it silly to use eg. wooden logs as a signal to control signals. For such designs, tokens with predefined symbols (eg. [GREEN]) makes more sense. I also found that such simple "analog" designs, with minimal wiring and combinators, works much better and more reliable than any combinators designs...

Such tokens can be also put into train, and be read be destination station to perform some action...
Last edited by mp0011 on Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Logic Network Tokens

Post by McDuff »

You're talking about a "disk" of some description, it sounds like. Something that stores a state and can be read out? Like a portable constant combinator?

So, if I'm understanding right, this disk would have "wood=100" or "red=1" stored on it, and this would be added to the output of any container it was in? So a "disk" or token with a value of "wood=100" in a chest would always read the amount of wood in it +100?
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Re: Logic Network Tokens

Post by mp0011 »

In basic implementation, it may be just "coin" or something with icon and value=1. Just for symbols not available easily as "real" in-game items (letters, colors, maybe fluids...). More values or icons is however nice addition, but may complicate things...
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Re: Logic Network Tokens

Post by mp0011 »

Also, that's easiest way to insert and propagate "generic" logic symbols into Logistic Network for long distance...

Just put [RED] token into logistic chest, and it's detectable on the other side of Your base, without wiring...
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Re: Circuit Network Tokens

Post by Engimage »

Having bizarre items in the game to implement something that can already be done by other means... No.
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Re: Circuit Network Tokens

Post by mrvn »

Seems like a trivial mod.

Simply add a bunch of recipes "1 Plastic -> 0 Token", "1 Plastic -> 1 Token".

Personally I like using fish as tookens.
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Re: Circuit Network Tokens

Post by McDuff »

mrvn wrote:Seems like a trivial mod.

Simply add a bunch of recipes "1 Plastic -> 0 Token", "1 Plastic -> 1 Token".

Personally I like using fish as tookens.
Yeah, this. Maybe take it as a chance to put a toe into mod development for the first time? :D
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Re: Circuit Network Tokens

Post by mp0011 »

If You want to make such mod, I am waiting. And also have some suggestions for some features.

I am using also fishes and logs, but it's sometimes pain...

I have just switching my base to "analog" flip-flops/hysteresis devices to avoid request "jitter".
It's fine for all "real" items and work flawlessly. Just connect each "level_low" chest with single wire to output, put there what is needed by factory (1 brick, 1 plate, 1 coal) - straight to the output network, with no separation. It's not needed. Whole setup is simple, clean and reliable.

But then, there is lubricant. I may ofc. use a barrel of it, but all other stations sends [lubricant] signal, trains wait to it, so I need to change it everywhere.

I am using fish as an example. I can not send fish to the network, so I must separate this box with combinator and rewire entire setup, and also subtract original fish signal from "internal" sub-base logic. I am aware my setup may be buggy, but that tokens will definitely make such setups cleaner and easier.

Also, possibility to inject such symbols into wireless bot network, and transmit it through entire base is something useful...

Now, mod suggestion:
Reprogramator and recycler. I am not modder, but there are my ideas...

Dedicated modified "assembler" and "furnace" to "reflash" or "format" devices like:
- logistic chests
- modules
- tokens.

Example: Put "Active Provider" to erase it, receive "blank Logistic Chest". Put in into programator and select program to get "Storage Chest".
Put 1000 Efficiency 3 modules into eraser, get 100 "blank Module 3". Put into programator to get Speed Module 3.
Put blank Token and program it into "Token [RED]"

Modify furnace to work as device ereaser. Why furnace?
It do not need to select recipe each time. Whatever You put into is automatically converted into new item.
Requester chest => Blank Logistic Chest.
Provider chest => Blank Logistic Chest.
Storage chest => Blank Logistic Chest. And so one.

Furnace automatically gets whatever fits ANY possible recipe requires.

Programator - here You need to choose recipe, but with "blank chests" or "blank tokens" You have a lot less recipes to choose. It may be just Assembler with added recipes.
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Re: Circuit Network Tokens

Post by mrvn »

I don't really see any difference between a fish and a 0 token. Both you have to separate or erase from the circuit network so they don't spread to other setups using the same token internally.

Advantage is that with the extra tokens there would be more tokens to use that won't be on a normal circuit connection. If you use wood or stone as token you have to make sure none of those come in from outside. But I don't think I've made any setup where that is a concern. The parts using tokens are usually not connected to the parts sending to or receiving from the outside.
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Re: Circuit Network Tokens

Post by mp0011 »

If i put [RED] token into chest, such chest outputs red signal (you can use it e.g. directly to control light color), not 'token red' signal. Token with steam symbol output steam signal.

If you put Fish and token with Fish symbol, your output will be fish=2. Not fish=1 + token_fish=1.

You do not need to translate anythin here, nor separate.
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Re: Circuit Network Tokens

Post by mrvn »

Fish is already a real item so it would never have a token. Just "go fish". [RED] on the other hand is a virtual signal.

I'm not sure if you can make an item red-token that, when put in a chest, will emit a [RED] signal that lights will understand. It would have it's own signal and not one of the virtual ones.

But try. Maybe naming the item the same as the virtual signal will work.
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