ok i've seen this a couple of times. player places a track, places a train station, removes track after station, places a curve.
the station no longer funtions, and trains no path.
i suggest making it impossible to place a bend there.
[edit for grammar]
Last edited by impetus maximus on Sat Feb 03, 2018 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Is the problem here, that the station is in a location that would not be allowed, if the rail was layed in that curve before placing the station? (I know I've done this to myself before, but I can't remember the exact situation, and I'm playing Rimworld right now...) Either way, this is annoying. Maybe the non-reachable station could blink, like rail signals that are left on the ground after a player removes the track?
Hm, ... you can place track, then place signals and stations, remove the track and the signals and the stations are still there. That is how it works now in general. I can't think of any usecase where this is useful, but if players use this, then changing it might make some people mad.
When blue prints are placed and filled in by bots, then the signals and stations are also placed without tracks if they happen to be carried to the location first.
That's a bug in my opinion. If there is Track Switch, You can not place eg. Rail Signal beyond some point, but You still can place a Train Stop. Train stopped at this station can not turn on that switch.
I think not being able to place signals on the curved track is because the game engine only allows them to be placed on straight and 45° rotated track. And they can only be placed if they are next to a track and connect to that track. Also it is not possible to place them on a fork/switch directly, which makes sense.
I assume it is possible to make a straight track, place 2 signals, where the station would have been, then remove the straight track and place a curved one, without the signals reconnecting to the curved track. Because they are just signals without connected track - ronin signals - as the station is.
Last edited by Impatient on Sat Feb 03, 2018 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
This strange behaviour cause problems with some stations designs.
If You want to switch tracks directly after Station, You may accidentally, unknowingly, place new tracks one tile to early. Sometimes it may lead to rebuilding entire station. I am "fixing" it, by placing chain signal first, and then Station just before it. Chain signal prevents placing tracks switch to early.
If the game allows a situation where a train won't go to a train stop that has what appears to be continuous rail between the train and the train stop, this is undoubtedly a bug.