Late-Game: Teleporter with a twist

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Late-Game: Teleporter with a twist

Post by Flame1869 »

A teleporter that can only teleport the player without his inventory and equipment.

I love to keep on building on my base during late game, though the good resources fields get far away.
I you look at the screenshot, you see i have some huge fields but it takes some time to get there.
It is kind of frustrating that even with 6 exoskelettons running on concrete it still take some time to run up and down.

So i thought, why not Teleporters?
There have been some topics about it, and after reading those, i understand you do not want to spoil any of the logistics the game offers.

That is why i want to suggest the player to be able to build teleporters that are only capable of teleporting organic tissue.

So what does this mean gamewise?
Well you can make a teleporter to get from point A to B, but you can not take any of your inventory or equipment with you when teleporting.
So the first times you will need to run up and down a bit to get some materials over and you will need to set up a second base.
Within the second base you will need to set up the essentials to produce the stuff you need to set up you new mining operation.

I think it will be an interesting twist for late gameplay, as it opens up a lot of new logistic challenges.
you might need some new trains running from your main base to your colonies, and need to make colonies be able to be productive as well.

Well let me know what you think, shoot on it ;)
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Re: Late-Game: Teleporter with a twist

Post by JohnyDL »

Kinda like maybe think of this as Cameron's Avatar type thing you can jump across the map to your other body. Or Minecraft Sync Mod would be cool to add to the game as a mod or in vanilla, put a body anywhere on the map and swap between them if each body had a different loadout for storage, clothing, weapons, item requests and trash that would be persistent even when not in that body I think it'd be super useful even without cross map teleporting.
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Re: Late-Game: Teleporter with a twist

Post by JimBarracus »

Soething like a remote controlled cyborg you can use and interact with buildings just like yourself.
It could also be used for combat.

As a limitaion it could work only in the active radar range.
There could be a building which can be entered like a car and gives you control over the cyborg.
When you leave the command post the cyborg becomes inactive.
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