Assembling machine buffer increase with speed mechanic

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Assembling machine buffer increase with speed mechanic

Post by orzelek »

There is currently a mechanic that increases allowed buffer sizes when machine is speed boosted. It works nicely if you don't mod the game in any way.

I would propose to make this mechanic also take into the account actual speed of assembling machine itself. If it's inherent speed is 3 then it doesn't get any increases to buffers while it effectively is like vanilla machine with decent speed boost.

Having the bonus be based on total speed of machine or even at expected throughput (use speed of recipe and machine speed to calculate how many of them it can make in a second) would give much better results. It would also prevent issues where even multiple very fast inserters are unable to keep machine running because they won't put in more materials due to small buffer which then is used up before any of inserters can do full swing again.
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