Pollution Sources and Statistics Window

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Pollution Sources and Statistics Window

Post by sckuzzle »

TL;DR: A pollution statistics tab / window would be a useful tool.

Just like the electric network info and production info windows give information on rates and what is consuming electricity / resources, it would be great to have statistics on pollution. There are many playstyles revolving around how to deal with biters; several of them aim to reduce or minimize the amount of pollution that actually reaches them. Some very useful tools already exist in order to see where pollution is located, what biters are receiving pollution, and whether pollution in a tile is going up or down. However, there are no pollution tools that tell you what your biggest sources of pollution are or how your rate of pollution is changing over time.

Features it could include:
-A graph with 1m / 10m / 1h / 10h / 50h options
-Sources of pollution grouped by entity creating the pollution (miners, factories, etc)
-Sources of pollution grouped by what the entity is creating (blue science packs, etc)

How I would use this information:
If I am producing efficiency modules to reduce pollution generation, I would use this to determine where to prioritize the modules produced. While I do have information on how much an entity produces and how many entities I have, I do not have information on how active those entities are (could possibly extrapolate this from electricity statistics, but that is a lot of extra work). Additionally, if certain entities have production modules in them and others do not, it would be difficult to figure out what my overall pollution production rate is for that entity or what the entity is producing.
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Re: Pollution Sources and Statistics Window

Post by ssilk »

Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=19987 More Game Information (Statistics, Monitoring, Graphs)
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