Manually placing configurable items onto blueprints

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Manually placing configurable items onto blueprints

Post by 5thHorseman »

Now that blueprints are a thing we have all the time, I find it convenient to blueprint things like my green and red circuits, train stations, and things like that long before I have robots to construct them. I place everything as blueprints, make sure I like the setup, and then manually place the stuff over the blueprinted landscape.

While doing this, I think it would be nice if the game recognized that I placed - say - a factory right over a ghost factory that was - in the blueprint - set up to create copper wires, and automatically configure the factory to create copper wires. Or a chest was configured to only have one inventory slot. Or a filter inserter was configured to only grab iron plates. I think these should all be set automatically when you place them manually, as it's pretty obvious that you wouldn't be doing that unless you wanted the factory to make that thing.

This should also work for placing things over the ghosts when an item is destroyed, and I think that it should also apply if you place - say - a stack filter inserter over a ghosted regular filter inserter.
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