Dual Passive Provider / Requester Chest

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Dual Passive Provider / Requester Chest

Post by Svanagen »

As a bit of a neat freak (it's why I love Factorio) I've always wanted a way to have my stuff automatically sorted through the logistic system.

The Problem:
When dumping items into a storage chest in the logistic network the items only move when needed somewhere.
This mean that there can be a lot of random chests around containing a lot of random items.

The Solution:
A dual passive provide and requester. Acts like a cross between a passive provider, so good for factories to output into, and as a requester, good for collecting things out of the network.
So ideally, the dual chest sit on the factories output and as items are used from it, it collates items from around the network, but still allows items inside to answer requests.

The other solution:
To fix the circular call where a requester chest that feeds into a provider chests. This creates a small but very fast logistic circle as items go from requester to provider to requester etc.
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Re: Dual Passive Provider / Requester Chest

Post by ssilk »

Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=43460 Logistic Network and Logistic Chest Extensions
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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