what u think about:
Power Concrete
JUST THINK HOW good this will be 4 circuits!...u will be able to make BIG LED screen without Substation every 10 blocks ^_^
Hard Glue:
idk. its just my world or what... but i have ULTRA BIG walls... ( on this forum is some SS from my game... so u know how big they are xD )but... aliens still can destroy something sometimes ;-; 70% of then are behemots and they are attacking with 50/80 Aliens in group...
i need this fking Hard Glue ;D !... they are TOO FAST XD !...
Mining Blueprint:
i have more ;x...
and its not first my "Ideas and Suggestions" thread ;x...
but now only 3... because i write write write... and then... ?... nothing ;-;...
i give u Texture what u can use...
Power concreate its your normal concreate but with this wires ;x...
and Hard Glue Texture is just Oil Texture but recolored .... lel xD