Detailed info on hovered entity.

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Detailed info on hovered entity.

Post by Cabanur »

With the upcomming HD textures in 0.15, I may be inclined to play the game with the detailed info off.

Except, the game is really hard to play if you just have to remember what does what in a mid- to big-sized factory. And switching detailed info on and off too frequently is cumbersome.

So, It'd be nice to be able to have de detailed info off but still see the detailed info for the specific entity that I'm hovering. This way I can enjoy the HD graphics, and just hover over an assembler to see what it's crefting, hover a chest to see what it contains, hover a combinator to see it's general setup.

Furthermore, this could simplify the graphics settings. There's a few "show x with detailed info on. Some of these could be entirely removed. With detailed info off, hovering would show what usually would be shown with it on, and with it on, maybe show even further information if also hovering.

I also posted this on r/factorio

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Re: Detailed info on hovered entity.

Post by IronCartographer »

Aside from the work of implementation at the expense of other features, always showing advanced info on entity mouseover seems like a good idea.

An option to "Toggle advanced info on by default" would be nice too, instead of having that resigned "Oh, right, gotta enable it again" feeling on every new map. :P

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Re: Detailed info on hovered entity.

Post by Cabanur »

IronCartographer wrote:Aside from the work of implementation
I imagine it wouldn't me much, since there's already some things that show only when you hover, like which power poles supply the hovered assembler with power, the circuit network highlight, inserter arrows, etc.

But what do I know, as an outsider there's no way to know how much work anything takes.

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Re: Detailed info on hovered entity.

Post by IronCartographer »

Yeah, I shouldn't have brought that up. It goes without saying that dev time is finite and not our concern. Thanks for sharing; I do like the idea. :)

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Re: Detailed info on hovered entity.

Post by ssilk »

Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=18153 Information-Layers (for map and/or normal view)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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