Thorium Reactors

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Thorium Reactors

Post by malfunctionm1ke »

Rather than Uranium Reactors, I would like to see Thorium reactors or maybe Nuclear Fusion reactors for later on.

Reactors that run on Uranium Fission only developed because of the Manhatten Project to buil a Fission Bomb first.
So my reason is, if we dont get Nuclear Warheads and ballistic Missiles alongside with the nuclear power, you should go for a reactor that uses a better Powersource:

Vastly more abundant
(at least on Earth)

Saver to use.
(Thorium will ultimately be bred into Uranium 233 and 232, U232 absorbes Neutrons which prohibits an excessive chainreaction, also this Reactor-type doesnt breed Plutonium)

(Educate the player about new technologies being theorized right now instead of nostalgic and "dangerous" technology that is 70 years old)

Needs a N-Source
(So you definetly need a Radioactive source that creates Neutrons to "kick-off" the Thorium-Breeding/Decay-Chain if you want to make it realistic but that can be left out of the game as we are on an alien planet)

No big explosions or major disasters
(as stated above, fabricating shells from Throrium should still be possible as it is still a very dense Material like Uranium)


implement both system in the Game.

More power output, longer enrichment process, more Waste, difficult to handle

less power output than uranium, no enrichment needed, less Waste, save to handle, needs additional research (i.e. Advanced Nuclear Power)

Uranium and Thorium will be extracted from "Radioactive Ore" to keep it simple

I also posted this under the last weeks devnotes but i guess it should be posted here.
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Re: Thorium Reactors

Post by ssilk »

Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=31440 Ideas Around Energy Production: Solar, Wind, Water, Nuclear, Fusion ...
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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