Send Inventory of Train to Circuit/Logistics Networks

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Send Inventory of Train to Circuit/Logistics Networks

Post by fandingo »

In 0.13, we got the ability to connect a train station to the circuit network.

A connected station has this menu:


There is only one mode of operation, which is useful for wait conditions. My idea is to add two additional modes, possibly with the ability to enable all simultaneously.

New options

* Send to circuit network
* Send to logistics network

I'm particularly interested in the former. Sending to the logistics network could be nice, although the use case for it doesn't immediately pop out.

The use case is to limit loading in better ways than currently available. Sending the train inventory to a network would allow inserters to have conditions that limit loading.

Here's my current situation. I have a PAX (player access) train that has 1 cargo wagon. I've setup robot networks in all my outposts with a few construction bots. To deal with biter attacks, I want to distribute repair packs, but it's a rare, low-volume need. However, I cram all sorts of construction materials in this wagon. That means it's infeasible to filter cargo slots or restrict them entirely. I can't filter the cargo wagon stacks because that makes it difficult to dump random assortments of items into the wagon and any unfiltered slot would be consumed by repair packs. I really only want a couple of stacks to be repair packs.

The circuit wait conditions added in 0.13 mostly add this functionality, but it doesn't work if the train is supposed to wait at the station after loading is finished, which is how PAX trains are used. It also doesn't work if you can't filter every single slot.
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Re: Send Inventory of Train to Circuit/Logistics Networks

Post by ratchetfreak »

sending to logistics is not a good idea.

IMO logistics should only have items that are available for bots to pick up. If you want to do more than that then you need to run a wire.
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